Friday Funny: The Pet Store Rabbit

A precious little girl walks into a Pet store and asks, with the sweetest little lisp, from two missing front teeth, “Excuthe me, mithter, do you sell widdle wabbits?” As the shopkeeper’s heart melts, he gets down on his knees so that he’s on...

Friday Funny: The Farmer and the Pond Crashers

The Crafty Farmer and the Pond Crashing Skinny-Dippers A well seasoned farmer owned a large farm in the Florida Panhandle.  After years of dedicated hard work on his land, he decided to rent out most of the farm and enjoy his retirement years.  Around his home he...

Friday Funny: The Crafty Principal & the Lipstick Mirror

Lipstick on the School Bathroom Mirror A rural middle school in Northwest Florida was recently faced with a unique problem. A new fad arose amongst the 8th grade girls with the use of lipstick.  They began bringing, sharing, and trading with their friends to try out...

Friday Funny: The New Brahman Bull

The New Brahman Bull A rancher had three bulls, an old proven bull, a bull he purchased a few years ago, and a young bull purchased the previous year.  The herd bulls heard a rumor that the rancher was going to bring a new Brahman bull back to the ranch, and the...

Friday Funny: Chicken Crossing

One thing is for sure, farm folks always enjoy sharing good jokes, photos and stories.  If you have a good, clean joke, particularly one that pertains to agriculture, or a funny photo that you took on the farm, send it in and we will share it with our readers:...