Friday Funny: Couple Sex

A lifetime farmer got to the stage in life that he was no longer able to physically work the land anymore.  He could not bring himself to sell the farm he loved, so he rented out his land to a neighboring farm.  He kept one tractor and the land around his house and...

Friday Funny: Cowboy Math

The foreman of a large cattle ranch in Florida died after 35 years of employment.  The ranch he worked for had supplied his home and a truck to drive, so after he passed his most valuable possessions were his personal Remuda of 17 horses that he had broken and trained...

Friday Funny: The Marriage Retreat

Frank and Ann had been farming together for over 20 years.  Unfortunately, they spent so much time together they got on each others nerves all of the time. After Church one Sunday they waited around to speak with the Pastor.  They explained their challenges and he...
Friday Not so Funny

Friday Not so Funny

Usually we bring you a corny story each week to try to put a smile on your face and take a break from the stress and tension of every day life, at least for a little while.  Today, however, there’s something serious we need to address. As Extension professionals we...

Friday Funny: The Millennial Voter

Those of you who are worried about which candidate will be our next president relax, the following is just one example of a more serious problem in this country. With so much current press coverage on the Presidential primaries, a professor of an American Government...

Friday Funny: The Cross-eyed Cow Dog

This week’s joke was sent in by Tammy Long, Bascom, FL.  Thanks for sharing Tammy! A Florida Panhandle farmer had the veterinarian out to pregnancy test his cow herd.  Once they were finished working the cow herd, the farmer said, “Would you take a look at...