Cool-Season Forage Update Webinar – September 24

Cool-Season Forage Update Webinar – September 24

  Typically this time of year, Dr. Ann Blount, UF/IFAS Forage Breeder, makes the rounds speaking to cattle producer groups about cool-season forages, however this year we cannot host in-person fall meetings. With that in mind, UF/UFAS Extension Holmes County and...
Management Strategies for Weaning Foals

Management Strategies for Weaning Foals

Saundra TenBroeck, UF/IFAS State Extension Horse Specialist Whether you are a small breeder producing one or two foals a year, or a much larger commercial operation, weaning can be a challenging time for the mare, foal and manager. Many factors affect the when, how...
Utilizing Pearl Millet More on Cow-Calf Operations

Utilizing Pearl Millet More on Cow-Calf Operations

Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) is certainly not new on the scene, and while it is widely used on stocker operations and dairies, it has been my observation that this fast growing, high quality, summer annual grass is somewhat under utilized on cow-calf operations....