by Ann Blount | Jan 29, 2021
Ann Blount, UF/IFAS Forage Extension Specialist, João Bittar, UF/CVM Extension Beef Veterinarian, Adam Stern-UF/CVM Veterinary Forensic Pathologist, and Evie Blount, UF/IFAS Extension Gadsden County 4-H Agent – Livestock producers beware! Especially during the...
by Saundra TenBroeck | Jan 15, 2021
– Saundra TenBroeck, UF/IFAS Equine Specialist Like many other horse related topics, the question: “Should I blanket my horse?” warrants the answer “It depends”. Though Florida does not have the sustained extreme cold temperatures seen in northern climates, we...
by Doug Mayo | Jan 15, 2021
This week’s featured video was published by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) to share the history of the Florida Cracker Horse. While much has been shared about the fact that cattle were first introduced to North America in...
by Doug Mayo | Jan 8, 2021
This week’s featured video was produced by Tom Pemberton Farm Life to share something new he added at his dairy. The Easy Swing and Totem Cow Brushes are sturdy enough to let cows and bulls scratch and rub to their hearts delight either in a barn or out in the...
by Samantha Wisely | Oct 16, 2020
Samantha Wisely, UF/IFAS Wildlife Disease Ecology Specialist – Florida Rabies Cases in 2020 Rabies is a deadly viral disease that can be prevented, but not cured. In Florida, raccoons and bats are the main source of rabies, but the virus can be transmitted to...
by Kalyn Waters | Sep 18, 2020
Typically this time of year, Dr. Ann Blount, UF/IFAS Forage Breeder, makes the rounds speaking to cattle producer groups about cool-season forages, however this year we cannot host in-person fall meetings. With that in mind, UF/UFAS Extension Holmes County and...