by Sally DeNotta | Oct 7, 2022
Horse owners in Florida are well-accustomed to the process of cleaning up after a hurricane. Debris removal, fence and building repairs, and reestablishing the daily routine are all part of the return to normalcy. While this process may feel familiar to any horse...
by wickens carissa | Sep 23, 2022
– Tory Moore, Public Relations Specialist, UF/IFAS Communications Managing manure can be a challenge for horse owners. One horse can produce an average of 50 pounds of waste per day and with an estimated 385,000 horses in Florida, that waste piles up. A new...
by wickens carissa | Aug 26, 2022
Carissa Wickens, UF/IFAS Extension Equine Specialist, Department of Animal Sciences During the summer months in Florida, we expect periods of high heat and humidity, but exposure to extreme temperatures when the heat index (how hot it really feels when the...
by Saundra TenBroeck | Jul 29, 2022
Saundra TenBroeck, UF/IFAS State Extension Horse Specialist Running a horse operation or simply owning horses can bring potential risk associated with clients and/or guests on your property, particularly youth. Some courts have found that a child can find a...
by Sally DeNotta | Apr 8, 2022
Dr. Sally DeNotta, DVM, PhD, DACVIM, University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine You may have heard about several suspected cases of botulism in Central Florida horses this spring. Thankfully, this deadly disease is considered rare in the Southeastern United...
by external | Apr 8, 2022
Becky Funk, DVM, Animal Health Teaching and NE Extension Specialist, Jesse Fulton, Extension Educator, Director of Nebraska Beef Quality Assurance submission to the University of Nebraska’s Beefwatch Newsletter In 2017 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)...