by Marcelo Wallau | Dec 16, 2022
Ashley Kuhn, Communications Coordinator, and Marcelo Wallau, Forage Extension Specialist, UF/IFAS Agronomy Department Have you seen our new and improved UF Forage Team website? We now have a hub for quick and easy access to all things related to forages for...
by Doug Mayo | Dec 9, 2022
This week’s featured video was published by Sloan Express to introduce a neat tool/gadget for hay feeding. The Hay Knife features a razor blade on a 29″ handle for cutting twine, mesh, plastic wrap or silage bags, and also includes a hook to quickly remove...
by Doug Mayo | May 20, 2022
Most Floridians dread the coming of summer vacation due to all of the added traffic on local roads as millions of tourists travel through Florida to beaches and other tourist attractions. In Madrid, Spain, sheep and goats pour through city streets on their way to...
by external | Apr 8, 2022
Becky Funk, DVM, Animal Health Teaching and NE Extension Specialist, Jesse Fulton, Extension Educator, Director of Nebraska Beef Quality Assurance submission to the University of Nebraska’s Beefwatch Newsletter In 2017 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)...
by Doug Mayo | Jan 28, 2022
Cold weather is forecast for this weekend, but how cold will it get in your area? The National Weather Service has developed a nice tool to help with this: Once on the website you can either use a pointer on a map or the name...