Reducing Farm Food Safety Risks

Reducing Farm Food Safety Risks

Fall is here so is harvest season! For our fresh produce that is harvested and packed by hand, food safety practices play a major role in protecting consumers. Some growers may be subject to the United States Food and Drug Administration’s Food Safety Modernization...
Controlling Invasive Cogongrass

Controlling Invasive Cogongrass

Over the last decade or so, the Panhandle has been overrun, and I don’t just mean by the summer beach traffic.  Rather, by an aggressive, exotic perennial grass that quickly displaces all native species.  Cogongrass is not useful as a forage for wildlife or livestock,...
Jackson County Farm Family Reaches Major Milestone

Jackson County Farm Family Reaches Major Milestone

Doug Mayo, UF/IFAS Extension Jackson County, and Justin Bryan, FDACS Office of Ag Water Policy   Williams & Sons Farms in Two Egg, Florida, was founded in the 1950s by Lucious Williams, who is the first of three generations of Jackson County farm families. ...