Friday Feature:  Rethinking Methane From Cattle

Friday Feature: Rethinking Methane From Cattle

This week’s featured video was published by Clarity and Leadership for Environmental Awareness and Research Center (CLEAR) at the University of California Davis to discuss an often misunderstood topic of how methane produced by ruminant animals (cattle, sheep,...
Cogongrass – Now’s the Best Time to Start Control

Cogongrass – Now’s the Best Time to Start Control

Cogongrass is by no means a new issue in Northwest Florida, this highly aggressive, invasive species has been causing problems in pastures, pine plantations, rights-of way, and about everywhere else you can think of for many years. Just because cogongrass is not new...
Protecting Our Crop Protectants

Protecting Our Crop Protectants

Crop protection chemicals are vitally important to the agriculture industry and need to be protected. The “war on chemicals” is a true threat to the pesticides we rely on. That threat is challenging to manage except by advocating and telling the story of stewardship...