Foot Rot in Cattle this Summer

Foot Rot in Cattle this Summer

  I have been treating quite a bit of foot rot in my herd in the past month and odds are, if I am seeing it in the cattle we manage, everyone else is too. Thus, let us take a few minutes to review the ins and outs of foot rot. The bacterium that is responsible...
Update on Cotton Diseases: Target Spot and Aerolate Mildew

Update on Cotton Diseases: Target Spot and Aerolate Mildew

Source: Dr. Amanda Scherer, Extension Plant Pathologist for the August 17th edition of Cotton Shorts   High humidity and temperatures along with vigorous canopy growth will favor prolonged periods of leaf wetness in crops and drive disease pressure across Alabama...
Diaprepes Root Weevil Expands its Spread in the Panhandle

Diaprepes Root Weevil Expands its Spread in the Panhandle

Matt Lollar, UF/IFAS Extension Santa Rosa, and Dr. Xavier Martini, UF/IFAS North Florida Research and Education Center, Quincy The diaprepes root weevil (aka the Apopka weevil) is expanding its spread in North Florida and is now in Bay County.  The weevil has...