Post-Harvest Tips for Palmer Pigweed Control

Post-Harvest Tips for Palmer Pigweed Control

Many Florida cotton and peanut farmers have been fighting Palmer amaranth (pigweed) all season.  With harvest is just around the corner, many farmers begin to relax their weed control efforts.  Regrettably, you can’t give up on this horrible weed yet.  With daytime...
Bermudagrass Stem Maggots Plague Panhandle Hay Producers

Bermudagrass Stem Maggots Plague Panhandle Hay Producers

Bermudagrass Stem Maggots continue to be a cause of consternation to producers of high quality hay in the Panhandle in 2016. Research in Georgia indicates that, since their first discovery in that state in 2010, stem maggots have spread across the southeast.  In...