Chlorpyrifos Insecticide Status

Chlorpyrifos Insecticide Status

Brett Bultemeier, Lauren Diepenbrock, and Ethan Carter, UF/IFAS Extension Chlorpyrifos is an organophosphate insecticide used primarily to control foliage and soil-borne insect pests.  The status and availability of Chlorpyrifos has had numerous, and at times,...
2025 Panhandle Row Crop Short Course – March 6

2025 Panhandle Row Crop Short Course – March 6

The Jackson County Extension Office (2741 Penn Ave., Marianna, FL) will host the annual Panhandle Row Crop Short Course on Thursday, March 6th. Registration and trade show begin at 7:15 AM (Central Time) with the meeting starting promptly at 7:45 AM. The event...
Be on the Lookout for White Mold in Peanuts

Be on the Lookout for White Mold in Peanuts

In scouting peanut fields over the last week, things mostly look good!  Fields have recovered from an excessively hot, dry June, plants have lapped, or nearly lapped the row middles, and weeds are mostly cleaned up.  However, of immediate concern is the emergence of...
Operation Clean Sweep 2024-25 for Pesticide Disposal

Operation Clean Sweep 2024-25 for Pesticide Disposal

Operation Cleansweep is a mobile pesticide collection program that provides a safe way to dispose of cancelled, suspended and unusable pesticides (CSUP).  The intent of this Florida Department of Agriculture (FDACS) program is to offer a safe, convenient, and cost...
Spray Drone Regulations

Spray Drone Regulations

No doubt, drones are increasingly popular in agriculture these days, as well as in many other industries.  Drones are aircraft and not toys (unless they weigh under 0.55 pounds).  As such, they are subject to FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) regulations.  Drones...