Petition to Revoke use of Thimet and Orthene in Peanuts

Petition to Revoke use of Thimet and Orthene in Peanuts

  Dr. Mark Abney, UGA Peanut Entomologist An NGO group is currently petitioning the US EPA to revoke all food use tolerances for the organophosphate class of chemistry. In peanut this means phorate (Thimet) and acephate (Orthene). This is not a good situation....
Avoiding Pesticide Resistance

Avoiding Pesticide Resistance

Evan Anderson, UF/IFAS Extension Walton County, Horticulture Agent Pests come in many forms, from tiny sucking mites to weeds that tower ten feet tall. Chances are, whatever the pest is, there’s a pesticide to fight it. Pesticides may tend to be the first solutions we...