by Ethan Carter | Jan 25, 2019
Operation Cleansweep is a statewide program that provides farmers, nursery operators, golf course operators and pest control services a one-time, safe and economical way to dispose of their canceled, suspended and unusable pesticides. In the aftermath of Hurricane...
by Ethan Carter | Nov 30, 2018
The past two months have been life altering for many farmers in the southeast, especially the Florida Panhandle. Hurricane Michael made landfall in the Panhandle on October 10th and left a path of destruction spanning several counties as it continued into Southwest...
by Matt Lollar | Sep 14, 2018
A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to attend North Carolina State’s Tomato Field Day, at the Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center in Mills River, NC. Every summer crowds flock from all over the Southeast to learn what’s new in the world of...
by Nicholas Dufault | Jul 27, 2018
By Nicholas Dufault and Wael Elwakil Fungicide resistance or reduced efficacy is a concern when managing peanut diseases, especially the foliar diseases early and late leaf spot. Managing these concerns requires an integrated approach with constant monitoring...
by John Doyle Atkins | Jun 22, 2018
Syngenta has successfully completed the registration process with the Florida Department of Agriculture for a new fungicide for Florida peanut farmers called Miravis. Miravis is the brand name for Syngenta’s fungicide with the active ingredient Pydiflumetofen,...
by Judy Biss | Apr 6, 2018
Farmers and ranchers must manage traditional business practices to be successful, but they also deal with the many challenges of ever changing weather. Rain, wind, and temperature are important and obvious aspects of weather that producers track on a daily basis, but...