Time to Think About Pond Weeds

Time to Think About Pond Weeds

With warming weather comes weed problems, and the field is not the only place they can pop up. Farm ponds, whether used for irrigation, livestock, or just recreation, can often grow numerous pesky weeds that impact the use of these water bodies. A few lily pads might...
Keeping Pasture Weeds Under Control

Keeping Pasture Weeds Under Control

  A theme I have seen this past year is pasture weeds becoming a major nuisance for landowners and cattlemen. Weeds don’t just reach a threshold overnight, there is a time we can make an impact without breaking the farm budget. However, many times pasture weeds have...
Friday Feature:  John Deere’s See and Spray System

Friday Feature: John Deere’s See and Spray System

The Sunbelt Ag Expo featured a wide range of new equipment innovations on display in one location.  If you went to the Expo, you may have seen the massive 120′ self-propelled sprayer on display at the John Deere exhibit.  This machine came equipped with the See...
UGA’s 10 Recommendations for Successful Wheat Production

UGA’s 10 Recommendations for Successful Wheat Production

  Rome Ethredge, Interim UGA Grains and Soybean Agronomist, and Dewey Lee, Professor-retired, University of Georgia   Wheat can be an excellent off-season crop to supplement income for row crop farms.  It can also provide the numerous conservation benefits...
Friday Feature:  Kudzu Control

Friday Feature: Kudzu Control

This week’s featured video was published by Clemson Extension to provide information on identifying and controlling Kudzu vines. Kudzu is an aggressive leguminous vine capable of growing 1 foot per day. It can easily grow 60 feet in a single growing season. It...