Make it Pay When You Spray Your Pastures

Make it Pay When You Spray Your Pastures

I like to kill weeds. That said, just because weeds are present doesn’t always mean it makes financial sense to apply a herbicide – even a “cheap” one. Herbicide applications need to pay for themselves (chemical and application costs) by increasing the amount or...
Evaluate Forage Production While the Grass is Still Growing

Evaluate Forage Production While the Grass is Still Growing

There has been a delightful coolness in the air these first few “post Irma” days. Don’t be fooled, it’s not fall yet. Mid-September, in Florida, is definitely still summer and pasture grass should not be in short supply in the summer. This is a good time of year to...
Memorial Day

Memorial Day

They answered the call and gave it their all. When we pause each year to remember, we are grateful!    
Season’s Greetings from the Panhandle Ag Team

Season’s Greetings from the Panhandle Ag Team

The County Agents and State Specialists that make up the Panhandle Agriculture Extension Team wish you and your family Happy Holidays!  Your Panhandle Ag Team will be enjoying a week with family and friends to relax and rest up for the year ahead.  2013 was quite a...