by Doug Mayo | Nov 17, 2023
Rainfall October was another dry month for much of Florida. NOAA provides maps with estimates of rainfall for the month as well as a comparison to average precipitation. The map to the left above shows the range of rainfall for the state. In the Panhandle,...
by Abbey Smith | Oct 27, 2023
Because of the extended hard freeze event in December of 2022, citrus farmers in the Panhandle will have a greatly reduced citrus harvest this year. It is very hard to prepare in advance for stressful weather like freezing temperatures, but if you equip yourself with...
by Doug Mayo | Oct 6, 2023
Rainfall September was another dry month in the Florida Panhandle. Looking at the map to the left above you see the rainfall ranges estimated by NOAA. There were isolated areas that got ample rainfall in September, ranging from 9.5-11″ (purple) to 6.5-8″...
by Marcelo Wallau | Sep 15, 2023
William Hammond, UF/IFAS Plant Physiologist, Marcelo Wallau, UF/IFAS Forage Extension Specialist, Clyde Fraise, UF/IFAS Agrometeorologist, and Gerard Sapes, UF/IFAS Plant Physiologist Florida is going through one of the hottest summers on record. Between February 1st...
by Doug Mayo | Sep 15, 2023
Rainfall August was very hot and dry for much of the Panhandle. Hurricane Idalia was not a welcomed guest in the Florida Big Bend but it did provide some beneficial rainfall for areas that had been very dry. You can see in the map to the left above the clear path of...
by Muhammad Shahid | Sep 8, 2023
Xinwei Liu, & Muhammad Shahid, UF Horticulture Sciences Department, and UF/IFAS North Florida Research and Education Center Blackberry, in the genus Rubus of the family Rosaceae, is a nutritious fruit that is gaining increasing popularity. Blackberries are known...