The 2021 Forage Legume Conference was held virtually this year. There were six 20-minute presentations followed by a Q&A session provided via Zoom every Thursday night from April 1 through May 6, 2021.
Legumes are important plants for forage production in Florida. They can supply highly nutritious feed for grazing animals, and when properly inoculated, they supply nitrogen for their own growth, as well as providing nitrogen for other plants growing with or following them. The concept of a forage legume conference was developed to educate livestock producers on practical ways to integrate these unique plants into grass-based grazing systems. In 2021, the Forage Legume Conference was held virtually with a series of six webinars.
If you participated in any of the live sessions, or watched the recordings, please give us some feedback by completing the online survey. There are only 10 multiple choice questions and one suggestion box, so this can be completed in a few minutes.
Forage Legume Webinar Series Survey
The following are the recordings of the six 25-30 minute presentations and the question and answer sessions that followed. Also included are printer friendly PDF versions of the Power Point presentations used for each session.
1 – Forage Legumes for the SE USA: Myths and Facts
Dr. Ken Quesenberry, Emeritus Professor, UF/IFAS Agronomy Department, provided an overview of the most productive cool-season and warm-season forage legumes in Southeastern US. He discussed some of the most common varieties as well as some of the others that can be grown, but may have very limited seed available in the commercial market.
Presentation Link: Forage Legumes for the SE US
Fact Sheets Dr. Quesenberry recommended for additional information:
Alfalfa and Cool-Season Clovers
Winter Forage Legume Guide
Alyceclover—Summer Annual Legume
Rhizoma Perennial Peanut
Strip-Planting Rhizoma Peanut into Grazing Systems
2 – Breeding New Forage Legumes for the Southeastern US
Dr. Esteban Rio, Forage Breeder, UF/IFAS Agronomy Department
3 – How Much Nitrogen Can Legumes Provide in Grazing Systems?
Dr. Jose Dubeux, Forage Management Specialist, UF/IFAS NFREC Marianna
Presentation link: Adding Nitrogen to Grazing Systems with Forage Legumes
Additional information:
Strip-Planting Rhizoma Peanut into Grazing Systems
Ecosystem Services Provided by Grass-Legume Pastures
4 – Nutritional Benefits of Forage Legumes in Livestock Systems
Kalyn Waters, County Extension Director, UF/IFAS Extension Holmes County
Presentation link: Nutritional Benefits of Forage Legumes for Livestock
Additional information:
Creep Grazing for Suckling Calves—A Pasture Management Practice
5 – Alfalfa-Bermudagrass Mixtures in the Southeastern US
Dr. Jennifer Tucker, UGA Beef & Forage Specialist
Presentation Link: Alfalfa-Bermudagrass Mixtures in Hayfields and Pastures
6 – Legumes for Wildlife and Pollinators
Dr. Marcelo Wallau, UF/IFAS Forage Extension Specialist
Presentation link: Forage Legumes for Wildlife & Pollinators