Plastic Mulch Retrieval Equipment Evaluation

Plastic Mulch Retrieval Equipment Evaluation

About a month ago I was lucky enough to attend North Carolina State’s Tomato Field Day, at the Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center in Mills River, NC.  Every summer crowds flock from all over the Southeast to learn what’s new in the world of...
Grafting Tomatoes for Disease Resistance and Improved Yield

Grafting Tomatoes for Disease Resistance and Improved Yield

A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to attend North Carolina State’s Tomato Field Day, at the Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center in Mills River, NC.  Every summer crowds flock from all over the Southeast to learn what’s new in the world of...
Double Cropping Options for a Fall Vegetable Crop

Double Cropping Options for a Fall Vegetable Crop

Fruit and vegetable production on plastic mulch is a substantial investment.  To help justify the high input cost, farmers oftentimes choose to double crop.  This practice can provide a significant amount of additional income for the farm if a good farm management...
Recap and Presentations from the Tri-State Cucurbit Workshop

Recap and Presentations from the Tri-State Cucurbit Workshop

Thank you to all those who attended the Tri-State Cucurbit Workshop held in Jackson County on January 25, 2018!  There was a great turnout with participants from Florida, Alabama, and Georgia. Thank you to our presenters: Dr. Mathews Paret; Dr. Melanie Kalischuck; Dr....