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4-H in the Panhandle

UF/IFAS Extension

Red Carpet Ready Teens!

4-H teens from across the Florida Panhandle convened at Camp Timpoochee February 17-19 for our Northwest Teen Retreat. This event is planned for teens by a committee of teens and adult advisors. The youth selected the theme of "Lights, Camera. Action". This leadership...

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MLK Day of Service

Did you know that MLK Day is the only federal holiday designated by US Congress as a national day of service?  Instead of a "day off" from school or work, Americans are encouraged to spend the day serving others. Coretta Scott King said: “The greatest birthday gift my...

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Meet the Author- Valerie Mendez

My name is Valerie Mendez, and I am Leon County’s newest 4-H Youth Development agent. I was born in Colombia and was raised in Jacksonville, Florida. I received my bachelor’s in microbiology and cell science and will be graduating with my master’s in soil and water...

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Meet the Author – Evie Blount

Hey everyone, my name is Evie Blount and I am the Gadsden County 4-H Extension Agent. I started this position in January of 2020, just before the COVID-19 pandemic started. This is just one of the few hurdles that I had to jump over and just kept running. With...

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