The regulation changes are close which will make it feasible for small poultry producers to sell poultry and eggs

Regulation changes are close which will make it more economically feasible for small poultry producers to sell poultry and eggs

A public hearing relative to Limited Poultry and Egg Farm Operations, Chapter 5K-4 of the Florida Administrative Code was held Friday, May 24, 2013 in Tallahassee, Florida. Public comment was taken on the proposed rule language effecting small poultry and egg operations.

The new language proposes creation of a new type of food establishment, in rule, identified as a Limited Poultry and Egg Farm Operation.  The verbiage defines the features and limits of such an operation, the establishment of a permit fee, provides the regulatory parameters for such operation and describes the USDA exemptions applicable to such operations.

This new classification applies to farms that maintain a flock of no more than1000 laying hens and meet the requirement of Chapter 583 of the Florida Statutes and Rule Chapter 5K-6 of the Florida Administrative Code.

A small farm operator may slaughter and process no more than 20,000 birds annually.  These birds must be grown on the farm, and the producer must follow applicable statutes relating to processing poultry for human consumption.

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Service’s Division of Food Safety will be taking comments on this rule change through June 7, 2013.  To request information,  and make comments please contact Ms. Lee Cornmen at 850-245-5595, or email at 

The changes are expected to be implement in mid to late July 2013.