by Molly Jameson | Jul 29, 2022
Have you ever noticed what looks like little winding squiggly paths through the leaf surface of your vegetable crops? If so, then you likely had a visit from leafminers. The most common leafminer species we encounter in our Florida vegetable crops are vegetable...
by Molly Jameson | Feb 25, 2022
There are five social species of bumble bees (Bombus spp.) native to Florida, and each is an important pollinator throughout the state. European honeybees provide about 85 percent of our pollinating activity that is vital for supplying one-quarter to one-third...
by Molly Jameson | Aug 20, 2021
Did you know that one-third of the food we eat in the US comes from crops pollinated by honeybees? Crops such as apples, almonds, broccoli, melons, and squash rely on honeybees for pollination, which adds more than $15 billion in added crop value. Additionally,...
by Molly Jameson | Mar 12, 2021
– Throughout the Panhandle and Big Bend Region of Florida, many residents struggle to access healthy foods. Of the 20 Florida counties with the most people living in poverty, more than half are in the Panhandle and Big Bend Region. Unfortunately, poverty leads...
by Molly Jameson | Sep 18, 2020
Although the pandemic has changed many aspects of our daily lives, we still need to eat. Therefore, more than ever, we must value our local food systems and the diversity of crops and other products our farmers and ranchers continue to grow and produce. To showcase...