Marketing Considerations to Maximize Cow-Calf Revenue

Marketing Considerations to Maximize Cow-Calf Revenue

  Mark Mauldin, UF/IFAS Extension Washington County and Chris Prevatt, UF/IFAS Beef Cattle & Forage Economist   After six articles rambling about revenues, it’s time to wrap up this discussion. We’ve been through a variety of topics all with the intent...
Weaning Decisions to Maximize Cow/Calf Revenues

Weaning Decisions to Maximize Cow/Calf Revenues

I’m a week behind schedule getting to this sixth installment of Rambling on Revenues. I wish my excuse was “life happens and sometimes the article doesn’t get written on time”. Unfortunately, this time death, not life, happened. I was away from work last week to try...
How Weed Infestations in Pastures affect Cattle Performance?

How Weed Infestations in Pastures affect Cattle Performance?

Jose Dubeux, Luana Queiroz, Erick Santos, Martin Ruiz-Moreno, UF/IFAS North Florida Research and Education Center, Marianna Weed encroachment in grasslands results in large economic losses to livestock enterprises. Weeds compete for water, light, and nutrients, and...
Friday Feature:  Florida Cracker Cattle – A Spanish Legacy

Friday Feature: Florida Cracker Cattle – A Spanish Legacy

This week’s featured video was produced by the Florida Department of Agriculture for the Florida Museum to be presented at the Florida Cattle Ranching: Five Centuries of Tradition exhibit that travel around the state back in 2011.  Since we are celebrating the...