2019 Beef Conference Summary with Links to Presentations

2019 Beef Conference Summary with Links to Presentations

The 34th annual Northwest Florida Beef Conference & Trade Show was held on Wednesday, February 13. A record crowd of 191 ranchers, cattle industry professionals, and extension faculty participated in the event. There were five educational presentations, as well as...
Summary of the 2018-19 Florida Bull Test & Bull Sale

Summary of the 2018-19 Florida Bull Test & Bull Sale

Nicolas DiLorenzo, UF/IFAS NFREC Beef Nutrition Specialist The 2018-19 Florida Bull Test Sale was successfully completed on January 19, 2019 at the University of Florida, North Florida Research and Education Center. This year marked the 19th edition of this valuable...
Farm Bill Seed Cotton and Hurricane Program Updates

Farm Bill Seed Cotton and Hurricane Program Updates

On September 7, 2018, courtesy of Clover Leaf and Sowega Cotton Gins, the Jackson County Extension Office hosted a two-hour meeting for cotton growers. Don Shurley Professor Emeritus of the University of Georgia and John VanSickle with the University of Florida shared...
Marketing Weaned calves through the Alabama SAFE Sale

Marketing Weaned calves through the Alabama SAFE Sale

Cow-calf ranchers have an opportunity to add value to the weaned calves they sell, through a cooperative board sale.  For the past 24 years cattle producers in Southeast Alabama, Southwest Georgia, and Northwest Florida have joined together to form marketing groups...