Friday Funny Feature: Premature Electrification

Friday Funny Feature: Premature Electrification

Super Bowl LVII was a fantastic football game, but if you are not a big NFL Football fan and tuned in just to watch the commercials and halftime show, like some of my family did, the advertisements were not that entertaining this year.  There was one very clever and...
Friday Feature:  Autonomous Irrigation Unit for Row Crops

Friday Feature: Autonomous Irrigation Unit for Row Crops

This week’s featured video shares an innovation for crop irrigation.  Rain 360 is an autonomous (self-driving) irrigation unit that can apply up to 1/2″ of water per week in a 160-acre field, 3/4″ per week in a 100-acre field, or 1″ per week in...
Friday Feature:  Clarkson’s Farm Season 2 Trailer

Friday Feature: Clarkson’s Farm Season 2 Trailer

This week’s featured video is the official trailer for season 2 of Clarkson’s Farm. Jeremy Clarkson is a famous British television personality who bought a farm in Cotswold, England and created a reality TV show available on Amazon Prime. In the second...