Grazing Management Options for Cool-Season Forages

Grazing Management Options for Cool-Season Forages

Cool-season forages are major players in the winter supplementation strategy of cattle producers in the Southeast. Maximizing the management of cool-season forages can contribute to the overall success of a supplementation program. Creep grazing is a broad term that...
Utilizing Pearl Millet More on Cow-Calf Operations

Utilizing Pearl Millet More on Cow-Calf Operations

Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) is certainly not new on the scene, and while it is widely used on stocker operations and dairies, it has been my observation that this fast growing, high quality, summer annual grass is somewhat under utilized on cow-calf operations....
Waiting to Fertilize Your Bahiagrass Pasture?

Waiting to Fertilize Your Bahiagrass Pasture?

Cheryl Mackowiak, UF/IFAS Soil Fertility/Water Quality Specialist These are challenging times, and you may not currently have funds available for pasture maintenance. The good news is that you may be able to put off fertilizing your pastures for a time to save money....