by Marcelo Wallau | Dec 16, 2022
Ashley Kuhn, Communications Coordinator, and Marcelo Wallau, Forage Extension Specialist, UF/IFAS Agronomy Department Have you seen our new and improved UF Forage Team website? We now have a hub for quick and easy access to all things related to forages for...
by Doug Mayo | Dec 9, 2022
This week’s featured video was published by Sloan Express to introduce a neat tool/gadget for hay feeding. The Hay Knife features a razor blade on a 29″ handle for cutting twine, mesh, plastic wrap or silage bags, and also includes a hook to quickly remove...
by Marcelo Wallau | Oct 28, 2022
Lisa Baxter (UGA), Leanne Dillard (AU), Katie Payne (VT), Marcelo Wallau (UF), and Uttam Saha (UGA) The Southeastern Hay Contest (SEHC) proudly recognizes forage producers who grow and harvest high quality hay and baleage. Although we are all growing weary of...
by Andrea Albertin | Sep 30, 2022
The USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) offers producers technical and financial assistance to help them implement Best Management Practices (BMPs) on their operations. NRCS staff work with farmers, ranchers, and forest land managers to...
by Doug Mayo | Jul 29, 2022
Students in Staffordshire, England figured out a way to beat the heat wave in Europe this summer. They built a swimming pool using big square hay bales, silage wrap plastic, and then lined the square hole with a tarp so it would hold water. It is amazing what farm...
by Robbie Jones | Jun 10, 2022
A lot of research has been conducted to create mitigation strategies for the Bermudagrass Stem Maggot (BSM) throughout the Southeast. This pesky little fly has caused headache and heartache for Bermudagrass hay producers in the Panhandle area. While we have proven...