It’s Hot Out There and Shade is Key to Cattle Performance

It’s Hot Out There and Shade is Key to Cattle Performance

As we close in on August, the unrelenting heat and humidity impacts everything we do on and off the farm. We know how serious the heat can affect us, and we make the necessary efforts to deal with it. It is also important that we make the necessary efforts to ensure...
Understanding Stocking Rate vs. Stocking Density

Understanding Stocking Rate vs. Stocking Density

We have reached the time of year when most our pastures have settled into adequate production enabling us to graze cattle on a more frequent basis. Recently, while discussing pasture/grazing conditions with producers, I’ve noticed three terms being used...
Renovating Centipede Grass Infested Pastures

Renovating Centipede Grass Infested Pastures

Encroachment of centipede grass even to the point of taking over a field of once vigorous bahiagrass or bermudagrass is an all too common occurrence.  Each year extension agents receive calls to look at and help landowners rectify a situation similar to the one in the...