by Nick Simmons | Oct 11, 2019
Check out Escambia County Extension’s newest video series called “In The Field.” These videos are aimed to educate producers in row crops, forages, livestock, and natural resources about practical management skills they can implement into their operation....
by Mark Mauldin | Jul 29, 2019
As we close in on August, the unrelenting heat and humidity impacts everything we do on and off the farm. We know how serious the heat can affect us, and we make the necessary efforts to deal with it. It is also important that we make the necessary efforts to ensure...
by ndilorenzo | Jul 29, 2019
Sorghum and corn silage are not new to the Florida Panhandle – several producers have been using these conserved forages for a long time. There are some technologies emerging, particularly in sorghum, which could be real “game-changers” for the crop in the Florida...
by John Doyle Atkins | Jun 28, 2019
In December 2018, I reported mature/fruiting Tropical Soda Apple (TSA) in Northern Santa Rosa County. For the first time, however, I have documented this invasive species surviving a Santa Rosa County winter. Geographically, the prevalence of this weed has been...
by Nick Simmons | Jun 17, 2019
We have reached the time of year when most our pastures have settled into adequate production enabling us to graze cattle on a more frequent basis. Recently, while discussing pasture/grazing conditions with producers, I’ve noticed three terms being used...
by Nick Simmons | May 17, 2019
Over the next several years, federal animal identification rules regarding traceability will undergo a multi-year transition to solely Electronic-Identification Tags (EID). Animal disease tracebility is at the forefront of providing a safe, wholesome beef supply and...