by Doug Mayo | Jul 13, 2018
Last year at the Sunbelt Ag Expo in Moultrie, GA, several farmers shared with me that they saw an interesting innovation from John Deere, an attachment to round balers that allows more control of where bales are place in the hay field after baling. This week’s...
by Doug Mayo | Jun 8, 2018
This week’s featured video is a brand new video by the, now famous, Peterson Brothers farm family in Kansas. Their humorous video called “Tractor Stuck” is parody of AC/DC’s song Thunderstruck. Over the past several years this trio has...
by Doug Mayo | May 25, 2018
This week’s featured video was produced by a member of the Panhandle Ag Extension Team, Matt Lollar, now located in Santa Rosa County. Locally grown cantaloupes are being harvested now and are available at your local farmer’s market or grocery store. See...
by Matt Lollar | May 18, 2018
Supplemental water is necessary for good crop yields in fruit and vegetable production. Water quality is equally as important as water quantity when it comes to fruit and vegetable production. Unfortunately, water can transport harmful microorganisms from adjacent...
by Jennifer Bearden | May 11, 2018
Sometimes the cost of running overhead power lines to power remote pumps is cost prohibitive on large acreages. This causes farmers and ranchers to look for alternative energy sources. In Florida, a great energy source is solar energy. There are many advantages to...
by Doug Mayo | Apr 27, 2018
On Thursday of this week, Sun South John Deere hosted a Hay Equipment Demo Day at the UF/IFAS Marianna Beef Research Unit. Participants at the event got to see a new product called B-Wrap demonstrated. This week’s featured video was produced by Tama Farm Grown...