Diaprepes Root Weevil Expands its Spread in the Panhandle

Diaprepes Root Weevil Expands its Spread in the Panhandle

Matt Lollar, UF/IFAS Extension Santa Rosa, and Dr. Xavier Martini, UF/IFAS North Florida Research and Education Center, Quincy The diaprepes root weevil (aka the Apopka weevil) is expanding its spread in North Florida and is now in Bay County.  The weevil has...
What are those Winding Paths in Crop Leaves?

What are those Winding Paths in Crop Leaves?

  Have you ever noticed what looks like little winding squiggly paths through the leaf surface of your vegetable crops? If so, then you likely had a visit from leafminers. The most common leafminer species we encounter in our Florida vegetable crops are vegetable...
If Not Disease, Then What? Abiotic Vegetable Disorders

If Not Disease, Then What? Abiotic Vegetable Disorders

Every spring and summer I perform site visits to vegetable growers to diagnose plant problems. This summer is no different, but I have found several instances of plant disorders that look like disease or insect damage, but really are not. Whenever a problem is found...
Friday Feature:  Agrivoltaics – Farming Under Solar Panels

Friday Feature: Agrivoltaics – Farming Under Solar Panels

This week’s featured video was published by Matt Ferrell to talk about Agrivoltaics.  I have had several people ask me about the concept of farming or grazing under solar panels.  With the push to seek alternative energy sources, solar farms are buying up farm...
The Pollinating Power of Bumble Bees

The Pollinating Power of Bumble Bees

  There are five social species of bumble bees (Bombus spp.) native to Florida, and each is an important pollinator throughout the state. European honeybees provide about 85 percent of our pollinating activity that is vital for supplying one-quarter to one-third...
Emerging Vegetable Alternatives for the Panhandle

Emerging Vegetable Alternatives for the Panhandle

Are you a farmer looking to try something new?  Or maybe you just acquired some land and want to put it to good use to earn a profit.  There are so many options that can work in the Panhandle; your specific situation will determine which options are realistic for...