Operation Cleansweep for Pesticide Disposal

Operation Cleansweep for Pesticide Disposal

Operation Cleansweep is a statewide program that provides farmers, nursery operators, golf course operators and pest control services a one-time, safe and economical way to dispose of their canceled, suspended and unusable pesticides. In the aftermath of Hurricane...
Friday Feature:  Farm Bureau’s This Farm CARES Program

Friday Feature: Farm Bureau’s This Farm CARES Program

This week’s video was produced by Florida Farm Bureau to showcase their “This Farm CARES” program.  CARES is an acronym for the County Alliance for Responsible Environmental Stewardship Program.  This recognition is given out to Florida farmers who...
Benefits of Nematodes in Healthy Soil Ecosystems

Benefits of Nematodes in Healthy Soil Ecosystems

Nematodes. Those microscopic, worm-like creatures that enter or attach themselves to crop roots, pierce root tissue, suck up root juices, and destroy crop yields. But did you know, plant-parasitic nematodes are only a very small fraction of the nematodes living in...
Hurricane Impacted Timberlands – Availble Resources

Hurricane Impacted Timberlands – Availble Resources

  Hurricane Michael was particularly devastating to the timber industry in the Central Panhandle. The Florida Forest Service has released a report quantifying the extent of the damage. As we move from emergency response, towards recovery there are a variety of...
Friday Feature:  Corn that Acquires Its Own Nitrogen

Friday Feature: Corn that Acquires Its Own Nitrogen

This week’s featured video was published by the University of California – Davis to share the results of a remarkable scientific discovery.  Researchers from UC Davis, the University of Wisconsin–Madison, and Mars, Incorporated have identified a native...