Friday Feature:  Wisconsin Livestock Traceability Program

Friday Feature: Wisconsin Livestock Traceability Program

Livestock traceability has remained a controversial issue across the US, but especially in Florida.  The debate stems from producers not wanting added costs to their operations, and also having concerns about data privacy.  Government agencies want to be able to...
Watch for Citrus Rust Mite

Watch for Citrus Rust Mite

In recent years, not a summer has gone by in which I did not see citrus rust mite (CRM) damage in a citrus grove. I thought this year would be the first. Unfortunately, last week I saw my first rust mite damage of the year. Unlike the myriad of pests that have been...
Clearwing Moth – Insect Pest of Peaches and Olives

Clearwing Moth – Insect Pest of Peaches and Olives

There are many species of clearwing moths that affect various fruit and ornamental trees.  The most common species in the southeast is the peachtree borer.  However, another species of clearwing moth causes damage to olive trees.  The larval stage of these species...