by Mark Mauldin | Jun 26, 2020
– Horn flies are among the most noticeable and serious pests that cattle must endure, particularly through the summer months. At least in part, because the pests are so visible (swarming the withers of a cow, sometimes by the thousands) most cattle producers are...
by Kalyn Waters | Jun 26, 2020
– There has been a tremendous spike in interest from cattle producers to begin to make the transition from marketing live cattle to marketing beef. In an effort to support those producers and answer their questions UF/IFAS Extension Holmes County and state...
by ndilorenzo | Jun 19, 2020
– Nicolas DiLorenzo, UF/IFAS Beef Specialist, and Federico Podversich, Graduate Student, UF Department of Animal Sciences The current COVID-19 pandemic has affected not only our daily lives, but also most of the agricultural markets. The cattle market is no...
by Mark Mauldin | Jun 5, 2020
Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) is certainly not new on the scene, and while it is widely used on stocker operations and dairies, it has been my observation that this fast growing, high quality, summer annual grass is somewhat under utilized on cow-calf operations....
by Marcelo Wallau | Jun 5, 2020
The traditional UF/UGA Corn Silage Field Day will be a webinar this year. Come join us on a virtual tour of the variety trial, and discussion with faculty, producers, and industry partners. This year, we are featuring 47 hybrids from 14 different companies planted at...
by Angela Gonella-Diaza | May 29, 2020
Daniela Cortés-Beltrán & Angela Gonella D. DVM, PhD., North Florida Research and Education Center, Reproduction Lab Introduction Artificial Insemination (AI) is an Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) used worldwide to deposit stored semen directly into a cow...