by Zane Grabau | Mar 11, 2022
Plant-parasitic nematodes can substantially reduce yield in field corn. Crop rotation and nematicide application are the main options for managing nematodes in corn. Among nematicides, historically a single product, Counter (active ingredient terbufos), has been the...
by external | Mar 11, 2022
Rome Ethredge, UGA Interim Grains and Soybean Agronomist Cold Coming this Weekend Looks like we will have a few cold mornings that may affect our small grains and any corn that’s up. Hopefully the duration of the cold will be short and with warm soils we won’t...
by external | Feb 25, 2022
Rome Ethredge, Interim Grains and Soybean Agronomist, Dept. Crop & Soil Sciences, University of Georgia Folks are getting their corn planters ready and making sure everything is in working order. Here’s some good planting time reminders from the 2022 UGA...
by Ethan Carter | Feb 4, 2022
One of the first row crops to be planted each year is corn. Florida plantings typically range from late February through April, varying by grower and production system. Three consecutive days with morning soil temperature of 55° at a two-inch depth is...
by David Wright | Jan 7, 2022
Growing up on a farm in Middle Tennessee allowed me to see firsthand why terraces, conservation tillage and cover crops were so important for preventing erosion. Most farms had burley tobacco bases of 0.5 to 2 acres and pasture (usually fescue and clover). Corn was...
by external | Dec 17, 2021
Source: National Corn Growers Association Corn growers showed the amazing possibilities open to agriculture with the use of modern seed varieties, advanced production techniques and innovative growing practices this year as David Hula topped the 600...