by external | Jun 17, 2022
Rome Ethredge, UGA Interim Grains and Soybean Agronomist Soybean Early System Indeterminate soybeans are now setting pods. They set them starting at the bottom of the plant and work their way up. The plant keeps growing and blooming. Determinate varieties, like...
by external | May 13, 2022
Rome Ethredge – UGA Interim Grains and Soybean Agronomist Soybean Early System Soybeans are looking good. 16 days old and already forming nitrogen fixing nodules. We can tell the beneficial nodules from nematodes because they are stuck to the side of the root whereas...
by external | Apr 29, 2022
Rome Ethredge – UGA Interim Grains and Soybean Agronomist Time for early system soybean planting is now in most of Georgia. You want all chance of frost over before proceeding. Southwest Ga. Grower and Georgia Soybean Commodity Commission Chairman, Greg Mims is here...
by Jennifer Bearden | Feb 18, 2022
With record high fertilizer prices, a legume crop like soybeans look more appealing to crop producers. Soybeans accept a soil pH range of 5.8 to 6.5. Soybeans, when properly inoculated, require no nitrogen fertilizer. When soil levels of phosphorus and potassium...
by external | Oct 15, 2021
Rome Ethredge, Interim UGA Grains and Soybean Agronomist Most soybeans either have been or are currently being harvested. Soybeans left in the field now were planted later, mostly after small grain or corn harvest (ultra-late). If you have soybeans still in the...
by Ethan Carter | Apr 23, 2021
Florida has several species of cutworms that can be problematic year to year in cropping systems, especially corn and soybeans. Larvae are capable of overwintering and surviving the winter here, which has become easier in recent years with fewer periods of freezing...