Friday Funny Feature:  If My Nose Was Running Money

Friday Funny Feature: If My Nose Was Running Money

This week’s featured video is a very humorous selection from deep in the YouTube Archives. Aaron Wilburn is a humorist, songwriter and inspirational speaker, who created a video with silly song titles and one of the funniest country songs you will ever hear.  He...
Friday Double Feature:  Real Facts About Beef

Friday Double Feature: Real Facts About Beef

This week’s featured videos came from a new new series published by the National Cattleman’s Beef Association (NCBA) as part of their Beef It’s Whats for Dinner Campaign.  The new series of videos called, “Real Facts About Real Beef,” was...
Virtual Cool-Season Forage Tour with Ann Blount

Virtual Cool-Season Forage Tour with Ann Blount

On Friday, March13, 2020 the University of Florida cancelled or postponed all in-person training activities to slow the spread of the Conronavirus.  One of the events this effected was the Twilight Cool-Season Forage Tour that had been scheduled for March 17th, at the...