2020 UF/IFAS Spring Corn Silage Test Summary

2020 UF/IFAS Spring Corn Silage Test Summary

  Despite all the challenges of this year, we had a fantastic spring corn silage trial with record number of entries. Our traditional field day had to be canceled, but we moved online and had 61 attendees and over 240 views of the virtual tour video on YouTube. ...
Sprayer Calibration Tables – Calibration Made Easy

Sprayer Calibration Tables – Calibration Made Easy

Michael J. Mulvaney, Pratap Devkota, Ethan Carter, De Broughton, Mark Mauldin, UF/IFAS Extension State Specialists, Regional, and County Agents   The growing season is winding down, and soon harvest will be complete. This is the time of year to recalibrate your...