Preparing Your Farm for the Cold Weather this Weekend

Preparing Your Farm for the Cold Weather this Weekend

Cold weather is forecast for this weekend, but how cold will it get in your area?  The National Weather Service has developed a nice tool to help with this:  Once on the website you can either use a pointer on a map or the name...
Citrus Greening (HLB) Update for North Florida and Georgia

Citrus Greening (HLB) Update for North Florida and Georgia

Iriarte, F.B1, Lovestrand E.L.2, McConnell J.3, Demorest N.4, Tancig M.5, Martini X.1, Andersen P.1, and Paret M1. University of Florida Research and Education Center, Quincy, FL1, and UF/IFAS Franklin2, Bay3, Columbia4 and Leon5 County Extension. Back in 2016, Citrus...
Managing Fire Ants in Citrus Groves

Managing Fire Ants in Citrus Groves

Rowda Altamimi, MS student & Dr. Xavier Martini, UF/IFAS Entomology and Nematology Department The red imported fire ant Solenopsis invicta (Figure 1 below) is an invasive species that is speculated to have been introduced into the US through the state of Alabama...
Now’s the Time to Scout for Scales in Citrus

Now’s the Time to Scout for Scales in Citrus

Danielle Sprague, Ag & Natural Resources Agent and Xavier Martini, UF/IFAS North Florida REC Entomologist Traditionally, scale insects in Florida have been controlled by natural enemies and considered a minor pest. However, many citrus growers in the Panhandle...
Fungi Biological Control of Citrus Pests

Fungi Biological Control of Citrus Pests

Xavier Martini, UF/IFAS North Florida REC, Department of Entomology, and  Pasco Avery, UF/IFAS Indian River REC, Department of Entomology Cold hardy citrus is targeted by a various number of pests including scales, mites, and leafminers. In the absence of Asian citrus...
Cold Hardy Citrus Update

Cold Hardy Citrus Update

In response to a need for information relevant to citrus growers in the cold hardy citrus growing region (North Florida, South Georgia, South Alabama), the Cold Hardy Citrus Connection newsletter was created. The Cold Hardy Citrus Connection is a quarterly newsletter...