Friday Funny: The Artistic Cowboy

A cattle rancher in the Florida Panhandle had a natural artistic talent.  He just had a knack for capturing scenery, animals and people in his mind and painting what he envisioned.  After many years of tinkering with painting, his wife and friends encouraged him to...

Friday Funny: The Pig with a Wooden Leg

This weeks Friday Funny was sent in by Ed Lewis, Procurement Forester, for WestRock in Cottondale.  Thanks for sharing Ed! A TV reporter became lost on the back roads and stopped at a farm to get directions. As he was talking to the farmer he noticed a pig with a...

Friday Funny: The Famous Cardiologist’s Funeral

A very prestigious, and internationally recognized cardiologist who was nearing the end of his career to leave the spotlight and stress of leading the cardiologist staff of the Mayo Clinic, and moved to a small, rural hospital in the Florida Panhandle.  He told the...

Friday Funnies: The DEA Officer & Santa’s Delay

A U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Officer made an unexpected visit to a ranch in the Florida Panhandle.  He got out of the black, unmarked SUV he was driving, and barked at the rancher, “I need to inspect your ranch for illegal drugs.” The...

Friday Funny: The Shaving Ball

A weathered, old cowboy walked into a barbershop one day. He told the barber, “I can’t get all these whiskers off anymore.  My face is too wrinkled from years out in the sun.” The barber reached over and picked up a little wooden ball from a cup on the shelf. ...

Friday Funny: Cold Water Clean

A man went to visit his 90 year old uncle who lived on a very secluded farm in the Florida Panhandle. He had not seen his uncle in over 20 years, because the uncle only left the farm for groceries and doctor’s appointments, and never ventured far from his farm. ...