Friday Funny: The Literate Boater

A farmer and his wife got their crops planted on time, and off to a good start, so they decided to take a short vacation.  They rented a cabin on a nearby lake for a few days of fishing and relaxation. One morning after several hours of fishing, the farmer returned to...

Friday Funny: Blind Sporting Goods Clerk

A farmer sent his wife to town to the tractor dealership for a new hydraulic hose, and asked her to also stop by Walmart to buy a rod and reel for their grandson’s birthday. Once in the store she realizes she really doesn’t know which one to get, so she...

Friday Funny: Putting the Cat Out

A farmer and his wife were invited to a New Year’s Eve Party in town.  Knowing alcohol would be served, they phoned the local cab company and reserved a taxi. The night of the party they showered and got all gussied up, and were ready to go out for the night....

Friday Funny: Two Year Old Tea

One Saturday, after the farmer came in from checking the cows, his wife left him in charge of their 2 1/2 year-old daughter, Molly, while she went to town to the store.  One of little Molly’s favorite toys was a play tea set she had gotten for Christmas. The...
Friday Funny:  Gathering Pecans in the Cemetery

Friday Funny: Gathering Pecans in the Cemetery

On the outskirts of a small Panhandle town, there was a big, old pecan tree just inside the cemetery fence. One day, two boys filled up a bucketful of nuts and sat down by the tree, out  of sight, and began dividing the nuts.  “One for you, one for me, one for...
Friday Funny:  Farm Funnies

Friday Funny: Farm Funnies

This week we have a collection of cute, farm related cartoons and Facebook funnies sent in by Lola Allard, Jackson Soil and Water Conservation District. Thanks Lola! ********************************************************************************************** One...