by external | Aug 27, 2021
Alabama Extension has developed an online course called Forage Basics that will be available starting September 1st. This course is a collaboration among extension specialists and Auburn University College of Agriculture faculty, with financial support from a grant...
by Doug Mayo | Jul 30, 2021
Fall armyworms (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda are certainly not a new pest in this region, but there are some unique challenges to deal with in 2021. The adult moths migrate in from South Florida into this region each spring/summer and lay eggs in fertilized...
by Mark Mauldin | Jul 30, 2021
Mark Mauldin, Ag & Natural Resources Agent Washington County, Ethan Carter, Regional Crop IPM Agent, Dr. Barry Tillman Peanut Breeder UF/IFAS NFREC, and Camila Ichazo Since the last update, two weeks ago, fields have dried out somewhat allowing for the...
by bobhoch | Jun 18, 2021
UF/IFAS Extension Suwannee Valley Weekly Watermelon Crop Update. These updates are summarized by Bob Hochmuth with input from Suwannee Valley Extension Agents: Mark Warren, Tyler Pittman, Tatiana Sanchez, Luke Harlow, Jay Capasso, Sylvia Wills, Dan Fenneman, Keith...
by Xavier Martini | Jun 11, 2021
Sweet potatoes are widely grown in Florida, especially on small farms. Foliar pests such as whiteflies, leafminers, and armyworms are generally of minor concern. The most serious insect pests are the immature stages of insects that feed on the roots and tubers; among...
by bobhoch | Jun 11, 2021
UF/IFAS Extension Suwannee Valley Weekly Watermelon Crop Update. These updates are summarized by Bob Hochmuth with input from Suwannee Valley Extension Agents: Mark Warren, Tyler Pittman, Tatiana Sanchez, Luke Harlow, Jay Capasso, Sylvia Wills, Dan Fenneman, Keith...