June 2020 Weather Summary and July Outlook

June 2020 Weather Summary and July Outlook

June was a pretty good weather month for much of the Panhandle.  Rainfall was not at all uniform, but was sufficient to remove most of Florida from the drought monitor at month’s end.  Temperatures rose through the month, but were not extreme, compared to other...
May 2020 Weather Summary and June Outlook

May 2020 Weather Summary and June Outlook

Rainfall May was a more typical month than others have been lately, but that was not a good thing.  It was not as hot as typical, but it was certainly dry. In the map to the left above, you can see that other than Calhoun, Gulf, and Liberty Counties, most of the...
April 2020 Weather Summary and May Outlook

April 2020 Weather Summary and May Outlook

– Rainfall April 2020 was a fairly normal weather month in Florida for a change.  In the two maps above, you can see the estimated rainfall and the departure from historic average rainfall in Florida for April 2020.  In the map to the left, the areas in green...
Panhandle Crop Update – What’s Popping with Corn?

Panhandle Crop Update – What’s Popping with Corn?

Although many businesses and sectors of our economy have been shut down since mid-March, the agricultural industry has still been hard at work. (#Stillfarming)  Throughout the month of March, corn fields were planted across the Panhandle. They are currently one of our...
1st Quarter Weather Summary & 2nd Quarter Outlook

1st Quarter Weather Summary & 2nd Quarter Outlook

Rainfall The first three months of 2020 brought heavy rainfall for a good portion of the Southeast, but not in Florida.  Peninsular Florida was particularly dry, but the Panhandle was also below average. – When you drill down on Florida, you can see the normal...