Teens As Teachers: Using The Peer Teaching Model in 4-H
We know that younger youth look up to older youth and like to model their behaviors. We see it in siblings all the time, absorbing behaviors of their older brothers or sisters like sponges. Often times, younger youth find the attention and encouragement of older...

5 Ways to Be a Great Mentor to 4-H Youth
4-H functions most effectively as a youth-adult partnership that fosters positive youth development. Youth-adult partnerships can take several forms. One form is a mentoring relationship between a caring adult volunteer and a 4-H youth. Mentoring is a...
Life Skills Aren’t Just Fair…..They Are Sooo Much More!
Youth shows and fairs provide a valuable opportunity for young people to develop a wide range of life skills. From responsibility and communication to planning and organization, these events offer a unique learning experience that can help young people build important...
4-H County and District Events Showcase Life Skills
One of the tenants of the 4-H program is the opportunity for youth to showcase what they have learned. Sometimes this occurs during the county fair or a contest. But youth also have the opportunity to showcase their knowledge and skills during county and district...
Priority Life Skills in Florida 4-H
Life skills for youth are defined as a set of abilities and competencies that enable young people to successfully navigate their daily lives and achieve their goals. These skills are essential for personal and professional development and help "prepare youth to be...
Life Skills Focused on Teens
During the summertime, 4-H typically offers more opportunities for our teen audience since school is not in session as their schedules are more flexible. Because of this, we want to ensure that we are targeting skills that are specific to our teens’ immediate and...
Life Skills: Planning programs with the life skill wheel
Introduction The goal of a 4-H program is for youth to learn about and develop life skills that will help them, in both the short term and long term, become contributors to their communities (Norman & Jordan, 2018). Life skills are the competencies or traits that...
Chick Chain Teaches Science and Workforce Ready Skills
Over 50 4-Hers and over 100 chickens filled the barn and auditorium for the 2023 Northwest District Chick Chain show. The show was culmination of the seven month 4-H Chick Chain project. At the beginning of the 4-H year, 4-Hers took ownership of day old chicks and...

Getting Started with 4-H Public Speaking
Public speaking is a beneficial and important project that all 4-H youth can do, but many youth and adults are shy about getting started. 4-H provides several "low-risk" opportunities for youth to develop confident communication skills. The necessary skills associated...
Red Carpet Ready Teens!
4-H teens from across the Florida Panhandle convened at Camp Timpoochee February 17-19 for our Northwest Teen Retreat. This event is planned for teens by a committee of teens and adult advisors. The youth selected the theme of "Lights, Camera. Action". This leadership...