How’s My Crop Fertility after Recent Heavy Rains?

How’s My Crop Fertility after Recent Heavy Rains?

Dr. Glen Harris, UGA-Tifton, Extension Agronomist for Soils & Fertilizer, Dr. Mike Mulvaney, WFREC Jay, Cropping Systems Specialist UF, and Ethan Carter Regional Crop IPM Agent – – With the 2021 crop season upon us, many people have already spread...
Preemergence Herbicide Treatments Behind the Cotton Planter

Preemergence Herbicide Treatments Behind the Cotton Planter

– Dr. Steve Li, Auburn Weed Scientist – Cotton planting will be in full swing in just another week or two. One thing that I cannot emphasize enough is to START CLEAN (free of weeds), particularly in no-till fields. A single-pass burndown treatment is often...
Alabama Cotton Seeding Rate Trial Summary

Alabama Cotton Seeding Rate Trial Summary

Dr. Steve Brown, Auburn Cotton Agronomist – The high cost of seed (and technology) compel a hard look at reduced seeding rates. The broad compensatory nature of cotton – the ability to make comparable yields across a range of plant populations – affords that...
Cotton Marketing News:  Return to Optimism Still On Wobbly Legs

Cotton Marketing News: Return to Optimism Still On Wobbly Legs

Don Shurley, UGA Professor Emeritus of Cotton Economics From the peak near 88 cents in late February, to the decline to near 76 cents in late March, cotton prices (new crop December futures) are trying to mount a comeback.  Since the latest low, we’ve had 9 up days...