by Ashley Stonecipher | Jun 18, 2021
– Have you noticed spots on your blueberry plants and fruit lately? There is an emerging fungal disease on blueberries in the Southeastern US. Exobasidium leaf and fruit spot is a fungal disease is caused by Exobasidium maculosum, a new species of fungus first...
by bobhoch | Jun 18, 2021
UF/IFAS Extension Suwannee Valley Weekly Watermelon Crop Update. These updates are summarized by Bob Hochmuth with input from Suwannee Valley Extension Agents: Mark Warren, Tyler Pittman, Tatiana Sanchez, Luke Harlow, Jay Capasso, Sylvia Wills, Dan Fenneman, Keith...
by Xavier Martini | Jun 11, 2021
Sweet potatoes are widely grown in Florida, especially on small farms. Foliar pests such as whiteflies, leafminers, and armyworms are generally of minor concern. The most serious insect pests are the immature stages of insects that feed on the roots and tubers; among...
by bobhoch | Jun 11, 2021
UF/IFAS Extension Suwannee Valley Weekly Watermelon Crop Update. These updates are summarized by Bob Hochmuth with input from Suwannee Valley Extension Agents: Mark Warren, Tyler Pittman, Tatiana Sanchez, Luke Harlow, Jay Capasso, Sylvia Wills, Dan Fenneman, Keith...
by Matt Lollar | May 28, 2021
This past week has been dry, but we’ve already had an abundance of rain this year. Wet conditions are conducive to fungal disease. One disease that is starting to show up is cedar apple rust. – As you would expect, cedar apple rust is a member of...
by bobhoch | May 28, 2021
Downy Mildew Alert There have been several reports of downy mildew in watermelon in the southern part of the Suwannee Valley region the past couple days. We will get lab confirmation as soon as possible, but we are confident downy is here. I can also indicate we did...