by external | Oct 1, 2021
Ramdeo Seepaul, Research Assistant Scientist, and Sheeja George, Agricultural Scientist, UF/IFAS North Florida Research and Education Center From stacks of paper notes stating problems in farm fields to instant solutions delivered at the click of a button on the...
by Evan Anderson | Sep 24, 2021
Evan Anderson, UF/IFAS Extension Walton County, Horticulture Agent Pests come in many forms, from tiny sucking mites to weeds that tower ten feet tall. Chances are, whatever the pest is, there’s a pesticide to fight it. Pesticides may tend to be the first solutions we...
by Zane Grabau | Sep 3, 2021
Dr. Zane Grabau, UF/IFAS Crop Nematology Specialist, Dr. Chang Liu, UF/IFAS Nematology Bioscientist Potato and sweetpotato are important crops in Florida, unfortunately these root crops are susceptible to damage from nematodes, particularly root-knot nematodes (Figure...
by external | Aug 20, 2021
Tory Moore, Public Relations Specialist, UF/IFAS Communications New UF/IFAS research suggests Florida growers must carefully select hemp varieties and factor the length of a given day when scheduling when to plant. Understanding hemp flowering behavior, or how...
by Doug Mayo | Jul 30, 2021
Fall armyworms (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda are certainly not a new pest in this region, but there are some unique challenges to deal with in 2021. The adult moths migrate in from South Florida into this region each spring/summer and lay eggs in fertilized...
by Josh Freeman | Jul 30, 2021
We are nearly at the end of our planting window to grow pumpkins before Halloween, but certainly have plenty of time to produce winter squash before Thanksgiving. With that said you shouldn’t run out and plant pumpkins without reading this primer. Standard carving...