by external | Jul 30, 2021
Don Shurley, UGA Professor Emeritus of Cotton Economics A positive spin on things first. 2021 appears to be shaping up as one of those rare and blessed years where most producers will enjoy both a good crop and a good price. It doesn’t happen often. Prices...
by external | Jun 18, 2021
Don Shurley, UGA Professor Emeritus of Cotton Economics – If you feel like you are “behind” in your pricing/price protection and have been waiting for opportunity to get caught up, here you go. We mentioned a couple of weeks ago that prices (December futures)...
by Chris Prevatt | Jun 11, 2021
Chris Prevatt, UF/IFAS Range Cattle REC, State Specialized Agent – Beef Cattle and Forage Economics Since early 2021, there has been a significant premium available in the futures market to encourage producers to market cattle during the second half of 2021....
by Doug Mayo | May 21, 2021
Doug Mayo, UF/IFAS Jackson County Extension Director & Chris Prevatt, UF/IFAS Livestock & Forage Economist 2020 was a challenging year in all sorts of ways. For cattle producers, there were market disruptions, meat processor shutdowns, significant...
by external | May 21, 2021
– New crop December futures had a miserable week. Texas got rain and that’s good, but the market took a toll on the grower because of it. December futures lost 567 points for the week—closing at 81.22 cents—the lowest in a month. This wipes out about half of...
by Doug Mayo | May 14, 2021
The Florida Dairy Farmers published a video earlier this year to share the interesting story of a dairy farm family in Jackson County that has developed a product line to market direct to consumers. The Eade/Austin family own Cindale Dairy and also a creamery that...