The UF/IFAS Extension Northwest District Horticulture Team is excited to announce our third season of Gardening in the Panhandle LIVE! free webinars! Please plan to join us this Spring and Fall for all new episodes where we will tackle gardening issues relevant to the Florida Panhandle!

There are two ways to join the Gardening in the Panhandle LIVE! webinars:

  1. Facebook Live – Follow us on Facebook and follow individual webinar Events.
  2. Zoom Webinar – Pre-registration is required for Zoom. Users must have an authenticated account (free at Zoom Link). Be sure you have security settings up to date to prevent connection delays. Links to Zoom registration will be added to the topic one-two weeks before the webinar and a closed captioned recorded link to YouTube will be available approximately one week after the program. (Underlined words have active links!)

Although we do accept questions from the audience during the broadcast, we may not have time to read them on-air. If you have a great question you think other viewers need to hear, please pre-register through Zoom and submit early!

All webinars are on a Thursday at Noon CDT/ 1:00 p.m. EDT

Date Topic
February 17, 2022 Growing Tomatoes in Northwest Florida
March 31, 2022 Turfgrass and Groundcovers
April 14, 2022 Subtropical Fruits for the Florida Panhandle
May 19, 2022 Native Pollinators and their Favorite Flowers
September 15, 2022 Winter Garden Planning
October 13, 2022 Gardening Myths and Home Remedies

Missed an episode or want to see it again? Subscribe out our YouTube Playlist!

Julie McConnell
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