Get Ready for the 2025 Panhandle Watermelon Festival Big Melon Contest!

Get Ready for the 2025 Panhandle Watermelon Festival Big Melon Contest!

By Mark Mauldin and Julie McConnell

Planting season is just around the corner and as you plan your summer garden, consider including watermelons to enter into the Big Melon Contest at the Panhandle Watermelon Festival!

The watermelon festival and the Big Melon Contest have been summertime staples in the Central Panhandle for decades. The Big Melon Contest is an opportunity to showcase your skills as a grower and a chance to win prize money. To make the contest fun for growers of all types of watermelons, a winner and first runner-up will be recognized for each variety of melon entered in contest*, with the heaviest melon in the class winning $50 and the first runner-up $25. In addition to the variety classes, there will be a $300 grand prize paid for the overall heaviest melon in the contest, and $200 for the first runner-up heaviest melon. This contest is open to all ages; however, we do have a separate youth division, Junior Jubilee, which is described below.

The Junior Jubilee Contest is open to kids aged 18 and under. To participate in the Junior Jubilee Contest, kids must register with UF/IFAS Extension Washington County Office between 2/18/25 and 3/7/25. Upon signing up, kids will receive seeds, a grower log sheet, and growing guide. Through the Spring the kids will grow their own melons and record their progress on the log sheet. They will bring their log sheet along with their 2 biggest melons to enter into the contest on designated intake days (6/18-19). All kids who bring a melon back for the contest will be recognized at the melon auction on Saturday, June 21st. Prizes will be given for the 10 biggest melons in the youth division, including a $200 grand prize!

Two children holding watermelons

Junior Jubilee Contestants Aubrey and Blake showing off some of the melons they grew for the 2024 Junior Jubilee Contest. Photo Credit: Mark Mauldin

There will be a “How to Grow Watermelons” class for kids & parents at the Washington County Ag Center in Chipley, at 5:30 PM, on February 18th to help kickoff the Junior Jubilee program. Attendance is not required to participate in the contest.

There is no cost to enter a melon into the contest. However, melons entered in the contest are donated to the festival and will be sold via auction. Proceeds of the auction help off-set the costs of next year’s festival. All contest melons will be on display during the festival and their variety, weight, and grower will be announced during the auction.

Melons being entered in the contest must be delivered to the Washington County Ag Center during the designated intake period. Melons will be received and weighed-in at the Ag Center Wednesday 6/18 between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM and Thursday 6/19 between 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM central time. If you plan to enter a melon, be sure to check the average days from seed to harvest and plan accordingly. For example, Jubilee melons take 90-100 days so must be planted by March 7th for ripe melons to be available by June 18th.

The 2025 Panhandle Watermelon Festival is a free event and is scheduled for Friday June 20th and Saturday June 21st, in Chipley, FL. Friday night includes concerts and kids’ activities at Jim Trawick Park (1544 N Railroad Ave, Chipley, FL 32428). Saturday’s events include a parade downtown in the morning then vendor booths, kids’ activities, and the watermelon auction (and contest winners announced) at the Washington County Ag Center (1424 Jackson Ave. Chipley, FL 32428) after the parade.

Hat on top of watermelons

Photo: M. Mauldin, UF/IFAS

The watermelon auction will begin at 12:00 noon central time on Saturday followed by the last concert of the festival.

If you have any questions regarding the contest, contact Mark Mauldin at the UF/IFAS Extension, Washington County Office (850-638-6180 or

For details about the Panhandle Watermelon Festival, please visit the event organizer’s website and/or Facebook pages.



2025 Gardening in the Panhandle LIVE! Webinars Begin March 6th

2025 Gardening in the Panhandle LIVE! Webinars Begin March 6th

Gardening in the Panhandle LIVE! is launching Season 6 with new topics starting on March 6, 2025! Each episode is delivered live on Zoom Webinar then posted to our YouTube Playlist. If you would like to join us live and help drive the panel discussion, be sure to click on the title below to register and submit your questions a few days prior to air date.

March 6, 2025 Foodscaping in North Florida Learn how to incorporate edible plants into your landscape.  Whether your goal is a large vegetable garden or one tree with edible fruit, we can help you find ways to make your landscape a source of fresh food!
April 10, 2025 Freeze Friendly Foliage Plants Are you trying to create a tropical look in your North Florida yard but frustrated with freeze damage? Let us teach you what plants can offer lush foliage and withstand cold weather!
May 22, 2025 Pests of Florida Lawns and Landscape Plants Not only people love Florida’s climate, but many plant pests thrive here, too. Learn how to identify and manage landscape pests using Florida-Friendly Landscaping practices.
August 21, 2025 Great Southeast Pollinator Census – Bee a Citizen Scientist! We all know the importance of pollinators, but how can you help to support them? Join us to learn how to attract, identify, and count for the 2025 Great Southeast Pollinator Count!
September 11, 2025 How to Care for Houseplants Growing houseplants can be tricky since our indoor climate is very different from outdoors. Learn how to help your houseplants thrive while keeping your home comfortable!
October 9, 2025 Bulbs for North Florida Flowering bulbs can create dramatic impact in the landscape, but some have specific requirements that might not fit our climate and soil conditions. Learn how to select the right ones for your North Florida landscape!

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What’s in a Plant Name?

What’s in a Plant Name?

Before my career in Extension, I spent ten years selling plants. I worked at a 40-acre nursery that was filled with thousands of plants. The selection was enormous and it was an eye-opening experience, even for a horticulturalist, to see how many different types of the same plant species were on the market. I learned quickly that if someone came in and said, “I need a daylily,” “I need a hydrangea,” or “I need a loropetalum” there were a lot more questions that needed to be asked to help them properly!

Plant breeders in ornamental horticulture spend their careers selecting plants for winning features that gardeners will line up to buy. Examples of traits include flower color, repeat flowering, mature size, disease resistance, cold hardiness, sun/shade tolerance, and foliage color. There are a lot of steps between recognizing what might be a superstar and availability in your local garden center, but let’s just jump to the part where they are in the garden center.

When shopping for plants, always look for the full name of the plant, preferably the botanical name which will include genus and species in Latin. Some plants are grown from seed and may have some variation in features. For example, a live oak grown from an acorn will be named with only genus and species, Quercus virginiana. The mature growth habit will have a wider range than one that was cultivated from a parent plant with known features. The species could be smaller than average, larger than average, an interesting branching feature, etc. Think of your own family, kids from the same parents may have different eye color, hair color, and height but they are all human children!

A cultivated plant is grown from cuttings or similar propagation methods that create a genetic clone of the originally selected plant. It is considered a cultivar if it will not grow true from seed and needs human intervention to result in the identical characteristics as the parent plant. The botanical name of a cultivated plant will follow the italicized species and is written/typed in single quotes. Note, since many plants are trademarked, there may be a botanical name that isn’t very flashy followed by a similar name, with some marketing flair. Let’s look at a couple of examples:

  • Large green shrub and small purple shrub

    Pictured here is Emerald Snow and Purple Pixie Loropetalums. Their foliage color and sizes are very different.

    Loropetalum chinense ‘Shang-white’ PP21738 is the official botanical name for Emerald Snow® Semi-dwarf Loropetalum. Emerald Snow® is a green-leaf, white flower semi-dwarf loropetalum that will reach 4-6’ tall by 3-5’ wide.

  • Loropetalum chinense ‘Peack’ PP18441 sold commercially as Purple Pixie® Dwarf Weeping Loropetalum has red foliage, pink flowers, and matures at 1-2’ tall by 3-4’ wide.

As you can see, just asking for a Loropetalum can result in vastly different plants!

Relying on common names only can also lead to an unintentional purchase. The same common name may be used for two very different plants. Another issue is that closely related species may have different places of origin and if you are trying to use only Florida native plants that could impact your design plans. Here are a couple of examples:

The takeaway message is always look for botanical names and do a little homework when purchasing plants. Ensure the plant you are looking at has the features that match your landscape needs!

Camellias Brighten Up Winter Landscapes

Camellias Brighten Up Winter Landscapes

Pink and white camellia flowerA recent visit to the Dothan Area Botanical Garden (DABG) reminded me that although many of our summer flowers are winding down, we have a great garden show coming this winter when the southern classic camellias start to show their stuff. DABG has a large collection of camellias that will start blooming in the coming months. Here is a little background on the two most common types of camellias grown in our area.

Camellia japonica

Also known as Japanese Camellia, C. japonica thrive in partial sun to full shade. Direct morning sun with some shelter from the sun in the hottest part of the day is a good compromise. Too much shade can reduce flowering, so aim for at least partial sun.

Most Japanese Camellias bloom from January to March, but some may start earlier in the season. Flower shapes include single, semi-double, anemone, peony, and formal double. Flower colors are  white, pink, red, and sometimes a combination of multiple colors! Camellia japonica mature at 10-15’ tall and wide but may get as big as 25 feet. This makes them ideal to create privacy in the garden or have the lower limbs trimmed into a tree-form.

Camellia sasanqua

Sasanqua camellias also prefer part sun but can also thrive in full sun once established. Leaves and flowers are typically smaller than C. japonica which is an easy way to differentiate. Although most have upright habits and can grow 10-15’ tall as well, there are a few cultivars such as ‘Shishi Gashira’, ‘Bonanza’, and ‘Mine-no-yuki’ that have more horizontal branching making them good options for foundation plantings. Sasanqua camellia are usually in full bloom in the fall, but may bloom as late as January. Flower shapes are similar to C. japonicas, but many varieties have more open flowers with exposed stamens that are beneficial to pollinators.

Bumble bee on camellia sasanqua

2024 Gardening in the Panhandle LIVE! Fall Vegetable Gardening Recap

2024 Gardening in the Panhandle LIVE! Fall Vegetable Gardening Recap

UF/IFAS Extension Agents from across the Florida Panhandle had a great discussion about fall vegetable gardening in the latest episode of Gardening in the Panhandle LIVE! Fall Vegetable Gardening on September 12th. As usual, we had a great bank of questions supplied by our viewers and we want to follow up by sharing a recap of the discussion with reference links so you can dig deeper into the recommendations they provided.

These references are in the order they were mentioned on the video which can be found at

Our last Gardening in the Panhandle LIVE! of 2024 will be on October 10th and the topic is Vermicomposting and Composting. Register to join us on Zoom at