Mowing Methods Make a Difference

Captiva St. Augustinegrass Credit:  Julie McConnell, UF/IFAS

Captiva St. Augustinegrass Credit: Julie McConnell, UF/IFAS

Mowing is an important and often overlooked landscape best management practices that can increase lawn health.

Most of us mowed lawns to earn some spending money as kids. As long as it was shorter when we finished than when we started our customers were happy.  Although mowing seems like a simple chore that anyone can do, it turns out that improper mowing can cause a lot of damage to lawns and can increase pest and disease issues.

Make sure your lawn mower in good working order.  Ensure the blades are sharp and the engine is not leaking any oil or gas products that may damage your lawn.  Dull or damaged blades will give a ragged cut to grass blades that make it easier for disease and insects to attack your lawn.  Leaking fuel products can damage or kill turf.  Keep your mower clean by blowing or rinsing it after use, this simple step will also reduce the spread of weeds, insects, and disease.

Know the recommended mowing height for your type of turf (see table below) and follow it!  Cutting turf below the recommended height places stress on the grass and encourages shallow roots.  Deep roots help turf handle stresses such as drought, shade, insects, disease, or traffic.  If any of these circumstances are occurring, the mowing height should be increased and fertilization should be decreased.

Mowing Height Table

Turfgrass Type Recommended Mowing Height
Bahiagrass 3.0-4.0 inches
Bermudagrass 0.75-1.5 inches
Centipedegrass 1.5-2.5 inches
St. Augustinegrass 3.5-4.0 inches, Dwarf Cultivars 2.0-2.5 inches
Zoysiagrass 1.5-2.5 inches, cultivar dependent


When mowing, never remove more than 1/3 of the leaf blade per cutting.  If the grass is overgrown, plan to mow in stages to avoid scalping or removing too much of the leaf blade.  Just like shrubs, turf needs leaf surface area for photosynthesis.  Allow clippings to fall onto lawns rather than catching them or discharging onto hard surfaces.  The grass will decompose rapidly and provide nutrients to the lawn.  Clippings that are blown onto sidewalks, streets, or other hard surfaces may be washed into storm drains and get into water systems.  Just as decomposed clippings provide helpful nitrogen and phosphorus to our lawns, these same nutrients are harmful to our water bodies.  Keeping them in lawns is a great way to recycle and to keep our water clean.

To learn more about caring for your turf click on the link below.

Bahiagrass for Florida Lawns
Bermudagrass for Florida Lawns
Centipedegrass for Florida Lawns
St. Augustinegrass for Florida Lawns
Zoysiagrass for Florida Lawns

Gardening in Small Spaces

Gardening in Small Spaces

Container garden.  Image:  Julie McConnell, UF/IFAS

Container garden. Image: Julie McConnell, UF/IFAS

Living in a condo, apartment, or home with small yard does not mean you can’t garden at home.  Whether you are interested in edible plants or ornamentals you can create a fit that is right for your space by using containers.

The first step in container gardening is the same as for traditional landscaping. First, asses your site to determine the cultural situation.  Is it sunny or shady?  Is water available from rainfall or from a nearby spigot?  Will salt or wind be a factor?  Are there height and width limitations?  All of these need to be taken into consideration when you are planning to plant.   These are elements that we have very little control over, so it is best to choose the right plants for the place you have.

Choose a container that will allow for adequate root growth and good drainage.  If growing annuals, perennials, or small vegetables, a pot that is 12-18” deep should be sufficient.   For shallow rooted or plants that like dry conditions you can go smaller.  If plants grow tall make sure that the weight of the soil and pot is enough to keep it upright in gusty winds.  It is not necessary to buy a container, you can reuse something as long as the water will drain and it is sturdy.  Large containers may not need to be filled completely, but can be filled with a lightweight filler such as upside down nursery pots, water or soda bottles with lids, or packing peanuts.  Choosing a light weight filler material makes the container easier to turn or relocate if needed and reduces the cost of potting soil.

Once you have determined site conditions, select the type of plants you would like to grow.  When choosing edibles, the amount of sunlight available may be a limiting factor.  Although some herbs and vegetables may benefit from a little bit of shade, they still need a bright location in order to produce well.  If your site is very shady, consider shade loving ornamentals such as fern, hosta, and impatiens.

Understand  the sunlight, water, and fertilizer needs of each plant.  Group plants together that have similar requirements because they will receive the same care.  Most herbs like a hot, dry situation and very little to no fertilizer.  Grouping one of these herbs with a tomato plant that needs consistent watering and regular fertilizer will create a situation where one plant will perform poorly.

Container gardens require more care than plants in the ground because they dry out faster and may get no water from rainfall, if placed in a covered area.  Consider using micro irrigation designed for containers or choose plants with low water needs such as the grasses and succulents.

To read more about container gardening read Container Gardening for Outdoor Spaces ENH1095.

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An Equal Opportunity Institution

Common Myths about Spanish Moss and Lichen

Common Myths about Spanish Moss and Lichen

Lichen on trunk of oak tree.  Image:  Julie McConnell, UF/IFAS

Lichen on trunk of oak tree. Image: Julie McConnell, UF/IFAS

Spanish moss and lichen have earned an inaccurate reputation for damaging trees and shrubs in the Florida landscape.  Although they may be found in plants that are in decline or showing stress symptoms, they are simply taking advantage of space available to survive.  Both plants are epiphytes and are obtaining moisture and nutrients from the atmosphere rather than from the plants they rest upon.

Spanish moss 5-17-2013 6-49-28 PM

Spanish moss. Image: Julie McConnell, UF/IFAS

Lichen are more commonly found on plants that are in poor health because they need a plant that is growing slowly and access to sunlight.  These conditions can typically be found in thin canopies of trees and shrubs under stress.  Although they are firmly attached to the surface of the plant, they are not taking nutrients from the tree or shrub, but rather from the air and other sources such as organic debris and bird excrement.  If you find lichen on your landscape plants, look further into what stress factors might be causing the plant to grow slowly such as compacted soil, extreme weather conditions, drought stress, disease or insect pressure.

Spanish moss does not harm trees and many people find it an appealing asset to their landscapes.  Common misconceptions about Spanish moss include that the weight causes branches to break and that it is a host site for chiggers.  Spanish moss is very light and any additional weight is typically insignificant.  Although it may harbor some insects and provide nesting material for birds and other wildlife, Spanish moss in trees is not a site conducive to chiggers because they favor low-lying moist environments.

To read more about Spanish moss, lichens, and other common epiphytes please read the EDIS publication “Spanish Moss, Ball Moss, and Lichens – Harmless Epiphytes.”

Rosemary Doesn’t Mind a Forgetful Gardener



Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is an attractive evergreen woody perennial and a culinary herb that grows well in the Florida Panhandle with very little attention.

Rosemary is quite tough and thrives in hot, dry spots with well-drained soil.  All plants require some water to become established (the time it takes to grow enough roots to support the plant without watering).  Once established, it responds well to neglect as long as it is given sunlight, drainage, and air circulation.

Mature plants can grow to be over four feet tall by four feet wide, but may be kept a little more compact with pruning.  Leaves are harvested to use in recipes calling for fresh rosemary or can be dried for later use.  To read more about growing and cooking with herbs, please read the following EDIS publications.

Herbs in the Florida Garden

Cooking with Fresh Herbs

Top 15 Gardening in the Panhandle Articles of 2013!

king sago palm with manganese deficiency symptoms

King Sago Palm. Photo credit: Mary Derrick

The wordpress-platform version Gardening in the Panhandle began in May of 2012 and had 188 views from its inception through the end of the year. This was a new online version of a long running and award winning traditional print newsletter. 2013 brought a new e-newsletter format and a ramped up effort to provide science based articles that you, the reader, find interesting and useful as you garden in the panhandle.  We have gotten your attention, you visited Gardening in the Panhandle 23,422 times in 2013!

Below is a list of the top fifteen most read articles from 2013 with links so that you can visit again if you missed it.  Please let us know if there are topics you would like to see covered by leaving comments or emailing one the editors Matthew Orwat or Mary Derrick



# of Hits               Title                                                                                                       Author

437 What’s Wrong with My Sago Palm? Mary Derrick
427 Palm Care Tips Blake Thaxton
390 Why Are My Tomatoes Cracking? Mary Derrick
354 Composting Recycles Yard Waste Makes it Beneficial Rob Trawick
347 Grow a Salad This Winter, Lettuce Easy to Grow, Delicious Romaine Rob Trawick
326 Proper Watering Means Difference Between Life, Death for New Plants Rob Trawick
307 We Had Plenty of Rain; Why Are My Trees Dying? Sheila Dunning
305 A Different View on Hydrangea Beth Bolles
303 Harvest Your Own Christmas Tree Mary Derrick
294 Fall Blooming Native Wildflowers Julie McConnell
291 Plant Deciduous Magnolias for their Spectacular Spring Flowers Rob Trawick
281 Spittlebugs:  An IPM Approach Blake Thaxton
280 Fruit Tree Options for the Florida Panhandle Blake Thaxton
279 Asian Cockroach – Is it a Pest of the Home or the Garden? Larry Williams
273 September is Here:  It’s Time to Prepare for Winter Weeds Larry Williams