2020 High Tunnel Workshop
2020 High Tunnel Workshop
March 21, 2020
- 9 A.M. Welcome
Mrs. Vonda Richardson, FAMU Extension, Director - 9:10 High Tunnels: Site and Crop Selection Considerations for High Tunnels
Dr. Alex Bolques, FAMU Extension/REC – Utilizing Floating Row Covers to Exclude Insect Pests and Increase
Winter Protection in High Tunnels – Ms. Kenda Woodburn, FAMU Extension Agent, Gadsden County - 9:30 Integrated Management Practices for High Tunnel Organic Vegetable
Production -Dr. Xin Zhao, UF Horticultural Sciences
Hot Pepper, Strawberry, and Leafy Green Production in Protective
Structures -Dr. Gilbert Queeley and Alex Bolques, FAMU Extension - 10:20 Break
- 10:30 Monitoring and Management of Pest and Beneficial Insects in the High Tunnel Production Systems – Dr. Muhammad Haseeb, FAMU Center for Biological Control
- Cultural Management of Insect Pests: Plant-mediated Push-Pull Technology – Dr. Susie Legaspi, ARS Research Entomologist
- 11:20 Field Demonstration: Protected Ag
- Short walk to high tunnel areas
– Leafy greens production using organic methods
– Sustainable strawberry production using organic methods
– Low cost high tunnel structural improvements
– Strawberry season extension
– Selective vegetable hydroponic production systems - 12:30 Lunch and Learn:
High Tunnel Cost Sharing Opportunities
Mrs. Karyn Ruiz-Toro, NRCS District Conservationist
Resources & Supplies for High Tunnel Growers
Ms. Kenda Woodburn, FAMU Extension
1 P.M. Adjourn