Exploring Your Watershed
Do you know what is your watershed?
There was, is, and will be the same amount of water on planet Earth. Water is a finite resource. The United States Geologic Survey estimates Earth holds around 1,386,000,000 cubic kilometers of water. Only 330,520 cubic kilometers, less than 1% of all water on Earth, is freshwater. This freshwater is available in the soils, atmosphere, biosphere and used by humans.
We all have different connections with water. Maybe it is swimming. Maybe it is enjoyment of clean laundry. Maybe it is the iconic scenes in the 1992 Academy Award for Best Cinematography, A River Runs Through It. Yet, we all depend on water for life. How and why water moves across a landscape to sustain life is important to us all.
Water located on land is called surface water. Water located underground is called groundwater. A watershed is the area of land where surface water and groundwater drain to a common place. Watersheds vary in size from as small as the size of your foot to as large as the watersheds spanning the continental United States. Larger watersheds are composed of smaller watersheds linked together.
Water gradually flows from higher to lower points in a watershed. Precipitation (i.e., snow, rain and everything in between) collects and moves within the drainage area in the watershed. Not all precipitation falling on a watershed flows out of the watershed. Precipitation soaks into the soil and through porous rock moving to lower points in the watershed, returning to and replenishing water stored underground. This groundwater can return to the surface of the watershed via springs or artesian wells, if the groundwater is under enough pressure.
Water can be removed before flowing out of the watershed as well. Precipitation returns to the atmosphere through evaporation as part of the hydrologic cycle. Plants facilitate evaporation to the atmosphere through transpiration where the roots of plants absorb water from the soil and the water evaporates into the air through the leaves of the plants. Human uses of water also impact how water moves through a watershed. Drinking water supplies, industrial operations, or building dams changes the movement of water through the watershed.
Each of us lives in a watershed. There is much benefit to have healthy watersheds. Healthy watersheds are essential to support ecosystems and the services provided, such as safe drinking water, outdoor recreation, economics, and overall quality of life. There are many metrics and assessments used to measure the health of a watershed. Do you know what is the health of your watershed?

United States Environmental Protection Agency’s How’s My Watershed interactive tool (http://mywaterway.epa.gov)
The United States Environmental Protection Agency developed “How’s My Waterway” to provide the public with information about the condition of their local waters. How’s My Waterway offers three ways to explore your watershed. At the community level, you can see your watershed with details like the water quality, recreation, fish consumption, impairments, and associated plans working to remove impairments. At the state and national levels, you can find information about states/national water program(s) and specific water assessment(s) that affect your watershed.
Let’s give it a try! Go to www.mywaterway.epa.gov in your web browser. Enter the desired address and select >>Go. On the left, you’ll see an interactive map outlining your watershed and the drainage basin(s) that make up the watershed. On the right, there are 10 different tabs allowing you to explore various metrics of the watershed. For example, there is a general tab reviewing the water conditions and states (i.e., good, impaired, or condition unknown) for all surface waters in the watershed. Using the arrow on the right, you can expand each water source to learn specifics about the data-determined state of the water.
Enjoy exploring your watershed! If you have questions about the interactive “How’s My Waterway,” wish to join an educational session to learn more, and/or desire accompanying curriculum, please email Dana Stephens at dlbigham@ufl.edu.