Video: Native Mimosa Groundcover in a Lawn

Video: Native Mimosa Groundcover in a Lawn

The native Powderpuff mimosa, Mimosa strigillosa, has potential as a turf companion in the North Florida landscape. Learn about the growth of this plant from UF IFAS Escambia Extension to determine if you want to add it as a groundcover or companion plant in your yard.

GIP Live Benefits of Turf Program Summary

GIP Live Benefits of Turf Program Summary

The May Gardening in the Panhandle Live focused on the various aspects of turfgrass care and species characteristics.

The panel included:
Dr. Bryan Unruh, UF IFAS Extension Turfgrass Science Professor
Sheila Dunning, UF IFAS Extension Commercial Horticulture Agent in Okaloosa County
Josh Criss, UF IFAS Extension Residential Horticulture Agent in Santa Rosa County
Daniel Leonard, UF IFAS Extension Horticulture Agent and Director in Calhoun County

Q: Does No Mow March cause more problems in maintaining a good lawn?
Pay attention to what you are leaving behind. If you have aggressive perennial weeds, that could cause issues later.  Also, be aware of what types of weeds. Annual wildflowers may be acceptable that will reseed next year. Mowing before seeds mature is always an option too.
Remember that if there are significant weeds, they are taking advantage of a void in the turf.  Find out why the turf is not growing as well and work on that issue. Improve the health of the grass to have less issues with some weeds. 


Q: What is an unhealthy lawn?
Grass that is not performing at a level that is normal for that turf. Not growing well, does not have appropriate color for the species, thinning out. The difficult part is figuring out why.  Could be that that turf is not suited to the site, cultural practices are an issue, pest problem.
We tend to manage turf too much. Take a more minimalistic approach and as needed for turf management instead of a scheduled maintenance plan.

Q: Fertilizer and pesticide inputs aside, can ornamental lawns provide environmental benefits such as carbon sequestration?
Plants remove CO2 and supply O2.  Turf areas can reduce temperatures, serve as erosion management and build soil. Also filtering some pollutants. Turfgrass also has huge potential to accumulate and store carbon. Turf has many recreational uses that other surfaces don’t offer and the overall aesthetics of a healthy lawn can improve value of the property.

References: Turf Management to Protect the Environment,

Q: What is the best grass for Florida?
You have to match the turf to an appropriate site and turfgrass may not be the best choice for a site.  On an urban site, shade from trees will also dictate if turf is appropriate. The best grass for the back yard may not be the best suited for the front yard.
Centipedegrass is a good selection for the case of a grass that grows well with low inputs. It will be a lighter shade of green which is its natural color.
If you prefer to have inputs of fertilizer and water routinely, centipedegrass would not be the best choice. Zoysiagrass is more suited for those who desire a more magazine cover type lawn that is well manicured.
A field type lawn is best with bahiagrass. 

Q: Is zoysiagrass the fastest growing market for turfgrass?
There are now good zoysiagrass varieties on the market and better ones coming along.
Zoysiagrass is a very drought tolerant species but it survives by going into dormancy. It survives without water by going from green to bluishgray to brown very quickly. In order to maintain a green, well manicured zoysiagrass lawn, irrigation input is needed.

Q: Can I grow a lawn from centipedegrass seed? How long will it take to fill in?
It takes 3 years to establish a lawn from centipedgrass seeding. That is with minimal inputs but mowing is important in the establishment process.
Dr. Unruh does not recommend seeding into patches because water needs for seed are higher than established grass. Sodding or plugging is better for patching spots.

Q: What is the best choice of grass for a partly shaded lawn/best under a large tree?
Long term, you need a shade tolerant grass such as one of the St. Augustinegrasses or certain cultivars of zoysia (Palisades is one). As the tree grows over the years, grass may not remain suited for that location.

Q: What type of grass would you recommend for a meadow area that would be natural/unmowed?
Bahiagrass is a good option. 

Q: How do we encourage bee lawns?
Centipedegrass flowers will attract some bees. Clovers (Red, white, hopclover) in the winter months through spring. Consider your space. May just be small sections or at the edge of the yard.

Q: How often should you aerate your lawn and what is the best method?
Sandy soils can compact. Every other year aeration if you have traffic patterns from vehicles, play, or paths. Use a ½ tine with lots of holes back and forth over the lawn.

Q: How to maintain a healthy lawn in our hot and humid summers?
Overwatering is common. Grass gives signs of needing water such as leaf blades folding in half, a color change, and grass not recovering after walking. Calibrate your system to apply ½ to ¾ inch at each time.

References: Mowing Your Florida Lawn,

Q: How to measure water volume with an automatic irrigation system.
In a zone, randomly place 10-15 straight edged cans that are all the same size. Run your system for a set time and see how much is in each can. You will be able to see where coverage is poor, just right, and overlapping too much. Measure with a ruler and average out the amount. Adjust your time to meet ½ to ¾ inch.
Each zone is calibrated separately.
Same for zoysiagrass but this grass will show you where your system is not functioning well since it’s response to drought is to go dormant. Still ½ to ¾ inch as needed.

References: Watering Your Florida Lawn,
Calibrating Your Sprinkler System,

Q: Do I have to fertilize and apply pesticides to have a healthy lawn?
No. All plants need nutrition and fertilizer is just one source of nutrition. A good soil can provide sufficient levels of nutrients for the lawn. Sandy soils may need supplemental nutrients. Could be from compost incorporated in as well.  

References: The Florida Fertilizer Label,

Q: My yard is a mix of grasses. Is this a problem for fertilizer and watering?
You may need to fertilize differently depending on the needs of the various grasses. If a grass is growing into another, then it is favorable conditions for that grass – sunlight, mowing, water availability. You may have to manage for the one that is doing the best. 

Q: Should I bag my mowing clippings for my Zoysia lawn or not?
Generally the recommendation is to allow clipping to fall for a yard that is being routinely mowed. Blades will compost. The exception is with zoysia when thatch is becoming a problem or when you have neglected mowing for a period and clumps of clipping are piled on the lawn.

References: Zoysiagrass for Lawns,

Q: Is weed control beneficial or harmful?
Improperly used herbicides could have environmental impacts. Follow the label carefully. Manage weeds through cultural practices too. 

Q: How do I get rid of crabgrass?
Annual weed that germinates when soil temps reach 55 degrees F. Could be mid-January or a little later. Pre-emergent herbicides can help. Not many options for post emergent weed control.
From Dr. Unruh:  We do not recommend Weed and Feed products since timing is different for both. North Florida fertilizer applications should not occur before mid-April.
0-0-7 with pre-emergent would be the only exception. The 0-0-7 is just potassium.

 Q: How to detect, kill and prevent ground pearls.
There are no chemicals controls for ground pearls. Thinning out areas. Insects that are in the soil, with pearl stage attached to the roots. Females are hot pink and crawlers.
Maybe something in the future. Try to outgrow ground pearls with faster growing grasses such as St. Augustinegrass and zoysiagrass.

Q: How do you control a heavy infestation of doveweed?
Do not handpull. Annual weed that germinates later when soils reach 70 degrees F. Pre-emergent herbicides. Mow more often and manage irrigation. Improve drainage. Clean mowers too.

Q: Are there herbicides that will not harm birds?
Insecticides have the biggest impact on wildlife compared to other types of pesticides. Many herbicides use a carrier that looks like a grain so water immediately according to label to move chemical off carrier. Follow the restrictions about application close to water. Read the label.

Q: Are all zoysia grasses hard to keep out of landscape beds?
Establish a border with edging to block the growth. Must be buried and above grade as well.

Q:  If we’ve lost most of our backyard due to killing off weeds with only some grass left, how’s the best way to start?
For smaller spots, allow surrounding turf to run back into areas. Resodding areas or plugging new grass.

Q: Large sections of my front lawn died last summer and I diagnosed it as brown spot/large patch. How do I address?
Why having large patch – poor drainage and fix that issue.  Also zoysiagrass is susceptible to large patch. You can restablish grass but manage so conditions are not as suitable for the disease.  Water as needed and nutrients only as needed.

Q: We have a lot of bald spots in our yard that we can’t seem to get rid of.
Diagnosing is necessary – compaction, water issues, fertility problems. Loosen area and make sure water is able to move into soil. Then can reestablish grass.

Q: If your centipede lawn is spotty with a variety of weeds, would it be better to kill the whole thing off and sod with Zoysia?
Centidegrass and zoysia have different pH requirements so may not be as simple as just replacing with new type of grass. Why is centipedegrass not doing well? Soil testing and cultural practice evaluation before considering to replace grass. Current centipedegrass may just need different care to thrive.

Q: What is the best alternative to turf grass?
Perennial peanut is an option as a vegetative cover. It does freeze back in many spots of North Florida. It does creep and there are many cultivars. Edging is necessary.
Sunshine mimosa is an option but it also freezes back. Lyre leaved sage for shady areas.
Silkgrass for drier areas.
Frogfruit for moist areas

Final thoughts from Dr. Unruh
Shut the irrigation off. Most people tend to overwater. Back off inputs to as needed instead of a schedule.  A few weeds are ok for most home lawns and lawns can still be attractive.

Video: Pollinators Visiting Centipedegrass

Video: Pollinators Visiting Centipedegrass

Centipedegrass is a low maintenance turfgrass for North Florida landscapes. Scientists from Georgia also found an added benefit when the grass is in flower. Learn about the specific insects found visiting the flowers of centipedegrass.

Don’t Water When it’s Already Wet

Don’t Water When it’s Already Wet

It amazes me that even under flood conditions, people still water their lawns.

I’m sure you’ve seen it too – we get enough rain to cause some areas to flood and yet you see irrigation systems going full blast.

Lawn irrigation spray head running
Lawn irrigation should be applied on an as needed basis. Credit: Larry Williams

We should water our lawns, landscapes and gardens on an as-needed basis. The way that some people water their lawns is as logical as saying that a pet dog needs a drink of water at 4 p.m. everyday. This is not true. When watering, we are simply replacing water that is lost. This is true when we drink water ourselves, when we provide water for a pet dog, or when we provide water for our lawns, landscapes and gardens.

An irrigation system is a great tool when used to supplement rainfall. Irrigating too much not only wastes water but it also is the cause for many lawn problems such as shallow, weak root systems, leaching of fertilizer and numerous lawn diseases. Cutting the irrigation timer to off and operating the system manually will solve many lawn problems.

Also, there are tools to prevent an irrigation system from coming on during rain or when adequate rainfall has occurred. As a matter of fact, it has been state law in Florida for every automatic irrigation system to have a rain shutoff device installed since 1991.

Florida Statutes, Chapter 373.62 – Water conservation; automatic sprinkler systems states, “Any person who purchases and installs an automatic lawn sprinkler system after May 1, 1991, shall install a rain sensor device or switch which will override the irrigation cycle of the sprinkler system when adequate rainfall has occurred,”

Rain sensors are available, inexpensive and are not difficult to install. Rain shutoff devices really do work when installed properly. If you do not feel qualified to install such a devise on an existing system, check with a reputable irrigation company.

Water only when lawn indicates that water is needed. When the grass needs water, leaf blades fold along the midrib – like a book closing, footprints remain in the lawn long after being made and the lawn turns grayish in spots, indicating it needs water.

When 30 to 40 percent of the lawn shows these signs of water need, turn the irrigation system on and let it run long enough to apply one-half to three-quarters inch of water. Don’t water again until the lawn begins to show these signs of water need. Watering this way will develop a deep-rooted lawn and landscape. Here’s a UF/IFAS Extension link with more information on lawn and landscape irrigation.

The Art of Mowing

The Art of Mowing

Written by: Khadejah Scott, Horticulture, Agriculture, & Natural Resources Extension Agent, UF/IFAS Extension – Wakulla County

A well-manicured lawn not only enhances the beauty of your property but also provides a welcoming outdoor space. In North Florida, where warm weather and abundant rainfall create ideal conditions for lush green lawns, proper mowing practices play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy and vibrant landscape. With the right techniques and considerations tailored to the unique characteristics of this region, you can achieve a pristine lawn that becomes the envy of the neighborhood. In this article, we will explore essential tips and insights for mowing your North Florida lawn, helping you unleash the full potential of your outdoor haven while ensuring its long-term health and sustainability.

Mowing a lawn.
Mowing a lawn. Photo Credit: University of Florida/IFAS

Mowing Heights

The turfgrass species’ growth pattern and leaf width influence the ideal mowing height. Grass species that grow horizontally and have narrow leaf blades are often cut lower than grasses that grow upright and have wider leaf blades. Because of its numerous tiny leaf blades, Bermudagrass is an example of a plant that is mowed at low heights. St. Augustinegrass, on the other hand, has wider leaf blades and is cut at a higher height. Rooting depth is also influenced by mowing, with deeper roots developing in response to higher mowing heights. Greater resistance to drought, insects, disease, nematodes, temperature stress, poor soil conditions, nutritional deficiencies, and traffic are benefits of the deeper root system. The main cause of turf damage is frequent mowing below the suggested heights for each species, which should be avoided.

Mowing Frequency

The frequency of lawn mowing is determined by the rate at which the grass grows, which is influenced by various factors such as the type of grass, time of year, weather conditions, and the level of maintenance. In North Florida, the need for mowing during winter months may vary depending on the climate and the type of grass present. Grasses like bahiagrass, which require less maintenance, may primarily be mowed to remove seedheads rather than cutting the leaf blades. To maintain a healthy lawn, it is recommended to mow frequently enough to remove no more than one-third of the blade height at a time. Preserving an ample amount of leaf surface is crucial to allow for photosynthesis, especially when the grass is exposed to environmental or site-related stresses.

A lawn
A lawn up close. Photo Credit: University of Florida/IFAS

Using Grass Clippings

Leaving grass clippings on the lawn is generally beneficial as it aids in recycling nutrients and organic matter, while reducing waste in landfills. When lawns are regularly mowed, clippings pose minimal issues. Microbes in the soil readily decompose the clippings, returning valuable organic matter and nutrients to the soil without contributing to thatch buildup under normal conditions. However, infrequent mowing can lead to excess clippings, resulting in clumping and potential thatch formation. Excessive thatch can create various problems, including reduced water infiltration, increased risk of pests and diseases, and diminished turf quality. To mitigate environmental concerns, it is crucial to sweep up any grass clippings from hard surfaces like sidewalks or driveways. These clippings contain nutrients that, if washed into storm drains or water bodies, can contribute to water pollution. By sweeping them back onto the lawn, the grass can benefit from the nutrients while minimizing environmental impact.

Proper mowing practices are essential for maintaining a healthy and vibrant lawn in North Florida’s unique climate. Understanding the growth patterns of different grass species, adjusting mowing frequency accordingly, and leaving clippings on the lawn to recycle nutrients are key aspects of lawn maintenance. By following these guidelines, homeowners can achieve a well-manicured lawn that enhances the beauty of their property while promoting environmental sustainability. Additionally, regular mowing helps prevent thatch buildup, ensures optimal photosynthesis, and reduces the risk of pest and disease infestations. By implementing these best practices, residents of North Florida can enjoy a lush, resilient, and visually appealing lawn that serves as a welcoming outdoor space for years to come. Remember, mowing is not just a chore but an art that contributes to the overall health and aesthetics of your landscape. UF/IFAS provides a wealth of information online regarding maintaining a well-manicured lawn. For any questions or concerns, be sure to consult with your local UF/IFAS Extension Office.